4. Care

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Ash woke up the next morning in a strange bed with sheets that smelled of disinfectant. He had no idea where he was. The last thing he remembered was a nurse giving him a sleeping pill and walking towards a car with his head weighing a million tons.

He had his clothes on, but his trainers were on the floor. He took his head out of the covers and saw another bed with Leaf poking out of it. She was sleeping with her thumb in her mouth. Ash hadn't seen her do that since she was little. Whatever dreams Leaf was having, the thumb wasn't a good sign.

He got out of bed. The pill had made him dull, his jaw felt stiff and there was a weird ache in his forehead. The room was bright, even though the curtains were drawn. Ash slid a door and found the shower and toilet. He was relieved to see that his pee came out the normal colour. Ash splashed water on his face. He knew he ought to be upset about his mum dying, but he felt dead inside. Everything felt so unreal it was like sitting in an armchair watching himself on television.

Ash peeked out of the window. Tons of kids were running around. He remembered that one of his mum's favourite threats was to stick him in a home if he didn't behave.

A buzzer sounded when Ash went out of the room. A care worker came out of an office and offered him her hand. Ash shook it, a bit stunned by her blonde hair and the metalwork hanging off each ear.

"Hello, Ash, I'm Madeline. Welcome to Coumarine House. How are you?" Ash shrugged. "I'm really sorry about what happened to your mum."

"Thank you, Miss." Madeline laughed.

"You're not at school here, Ash. They call me all sorts of rude things, but never Miss."


"I'll give you the tour, then you can have some breakfast. You hungry?"

"A bit," Ash said.

"Listen, Ash," Madeline said, as she walked. "This place is a dump and I know your life seems horrible now, but there are lots of good people here to help you."

"Right," Ash said.

"Our luxury spa," said Madeline. She pointed out of the window at a paddling pool filled with rainwater and cigarette ends. Ash smiled a bit. Madeline seemed nice, even though she probably used the same lines on every freak that ended up here.

"State of the art sports complex. Strictly out of bounds until homework is finished." They walked through a room with a dart board and two pool tables. The green felt was stuck down with carpet tape and there was an umbrella stand filled with tipless and split cues.

"All the rooms are upstairs. Boys first floor, girls second. The baths and showers are down here," Madeline continued. "We usually have trouble getting you lads into them."

"My room has a shower in it," Ash said.

"That room's the reception for new arrivals. You only get one night in there." They reached the dining room. There were a couple of dozen kids, mostly in clothes that looked like they had just got home from school. Madeline pointed everything out.

"Cutlery there, hot food at the bar, cereal and fruit juice. Make your own toast if you want it."

"Cool," Ash said. He didn't feel cool. The room full of strange, noisy kids was intimidating.

"When you've eaten, see me in my office."

"What about my sister?" Ash asked.

"If she wakes up I'll bring her to you."

Ash got some Frosties and sat on his own. The other kids ignored him. New arrivals were obviously nothing unusual.

Madeline was on the phone. Her desk was stacked with papers and folders. A whiskey sat on the desk. Madeline put the phone down and took a sip. She saw Ash glance at the no alcohol sign.

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