11. Go

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Ash was shut in the back of a van for the first part of the drive back to Coumarine House. Even though he was knackered and the driver wasn't allowed to talk, he couldn't sleep. After a couple of hours the driver stopped at motorway services. They both drank nasty tea and used the toilet. Ash was allowed in the cab for the rest of the journey. He read the first road sign he saw; they were near Birmingham, heading towards London. It wasn't much of a clue about where CHERUB was. Ash reckoned they'd already gone more than a hundred kilometres.

It was three in the morning when Ash arrived back at Coumarine. The entrance was locked. Ash rang the doorbell and waited ages. A house parent shone a torch in Ash's face before unbolting the door.

"Where on earth have you been?" It hadn't occurred to Ash that CHERUB had taken him without telling anyone. He scrambled for an excuse.

"I went for a walk," Ash said.

"For twenty-six hours?"


"Get to bed, Ash. We'll deal with you in the morning."

Coumarine looked even dingier after CHERUB. Ash crept into his room, but Brock woke up anyway.

"Hey, Einstein," Brock said. "Where've you been?"

"Go back to sleep," Ash said.

"I heard about your adventure in the off-licence. Ten out of ten for being a dumbass." Ash gave his nose a blast of some pain relief spray CHERUB had given him and started undressing.

"Can't say you didn't warn me," Ash said.

"Vince is crapping himself," Brock said. "He reckons you grassed him up and they've moved you to another home for protection."

"I never grassed," Ash said. "I've got to get him back though."

"Don't mess, Ash. He'll cut you up if you give him an excuse."

Madeline shook Ash awake later that morning.

"What are you still doing here, Ash? It's ten-thirty. You should be in school." Ash sat up and rubbed his face. His nose was tender. At least the headache was gone.

"I didn't get in until gone three this morning."

"Bit young to be out clubbing, aren't you?"

"I just um..." Ash still couldn't think of a decent excuse for turning up at 3 a.m.

"I want you in school uniform and out of the door in twenty minutes."

"I'm tired."

"Whose fault is that?"

"I'm sick," Ash said, pointing at his nose.

"Fighting, I suppose?"


"How then?"

"I think I must have slept in a funny position." Madeline started laughing.

"Ash, I've heard some excuses in my time, but a swollen nose and a black eye from sleeping in a funny position is the worst ever."

"I've got a black eye?"

"A shiner." Ash explored the tender area under his eye with his fingers. He'd always wanted a black eye, they looked cool.

"Can I see the nurse?" Ash asked hopefully.

"We don't have a nurse here. There's one at West Road School, though."

"Please let me off school, Madeline. I'm dying."

"You've been here for three weeks, Ash You've been cautioned by the police, arrested for stealing beer, we've had a complaint from school about your behaviour in class and now you disappear for a day and a half. We're pretty lax here, but we have to draw a line somewhere. Get your clothes on. If you want to complain, go and see the superintendent."

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