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You weren't supposed to wear CHERUB uniform off campus for security reasons, but Ash wore his grey shirt all the way home hidden under his tracksuit. He woke up on the plane and peeked down his chest to make sure it wasn't a dream. Serena was asleep in the next seat. Ash could see the grey tail of her CHERUB shirt hanging out the back of her jeans. He put his arm around her and pulled her head onto his arm, stroking her hair as she gently snored next to him.

Everyone was in a good mood. Even the instructors, who got a three-week holiday before the next batch started training. Serena stopped acting tough and surprised Ash by turning into a normal eleven-year-old girl. She told Ash she couldn't wait until her nails grew back and her skin was flawless once more. She even bought a pen and card in the airport gift shop and got everyone to sign it for the instructors. Ash told her he thought it was dumb. He remembered that Surge had been happy to get them thrown off the course to win a bet. It might be Lt Surge's job to make trainees suffer, but he seemed to enjoy it as well.

The van from the airport left them at the training building. The new operatives picked a few things up from their lockers and changed out of their casual travel clothes into uniform. Ash kept one of the filthy blue shirts with the number seven on as a memento. Serena was holding out a key.

"Help me move my stuff?" Serena asked with puppy eyes.

"Where to?" Ash asked.

"The main building. Red shirts live in the junior block." The instructors wanted them all out of the training area fast so they could get home.

Drew was waiting for his twin outside the training compound. His arm was out of the sling. Ash felt sorry for Drew. having to start training again. Ash gave him a friendly shove.

"You'll get there," Ash said. "No worries."

Brendan put his arm round his brother. Serena was running ahead, excited, "Come on, Ash."

Ash went after her to the junior block. He hadn't been there before. It was the middle of the morning so everyone was in class. Serena's room had kiddies' furniture: a plastic desk, bunk beds and a big wooden trunk with My Toys painted on the side. The wardrobe had a green teddy on the doors.

"What a divine room," Ash said, trying not to laugh.

"Shut your pie hole," Serena said, "and carry." She had packed everything before training started.

"You must have been confident," Ash said.

"If I failed this time, I was going to leave CHERUB. You don't have to become an agent if you don't want to."

"Where do you go if you leave?" Ash asked.

"They send you to a boarding school. In the holidays you stay with a foster family."

"You really would have left?"

"I promised myself," Serena said. "That's why I got so upset on Christmas Day when you got us in trouble."

Ash stayed quiet. He didn't want the conversation straying towards their agreement to fight in the dojo. They packed Serena's stuff on to one of the electric buggies that staff used around campus.

"Where's your new room?" Ash asked. Serena showed him the number on her key ring.

"Sixth floor," Ash said. "Same as me, we're practically neighbours."

They walked back to Serena's old room and did a final check to make sure nothing was left behind. Serena had tears streaking down her face.

"What?" Ash asked.

"This has been my room since I was seven," Serena sobbed. "I'll miss it." Ash didn't know where to look.

"Sere, the rooms in the main building are about fifty times cooler. You've got your own bathroom and computer and everything."

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