33. Freak

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7 a.m. Monday, Ash's travel alarm went off to wake him for school. Misty threw a pillow at him when he didn't turn it off. He stumbled out of bed, rubbing his face, and unpinned a corner of the sheet over the window to let in some light.

"Can't you leave it dark?" Misty moaned from under her covers.

"I've got to go to school." Ash started putting on a sweatshirt and tracksuit bottoms.

"It's freezing," Ash said.

"It's warm under here," Misty said smugly. "I don't have to get up for three hours."

"I can't believe you got out of school, it's not bloody fair."

Misty giggled under her covers. "It's toasty at Green Brooke. The water in the Jacuzzi is beautiful, and I get a hot shower before and after my shift."

"I'm filthy," Ash said. "I'm gonna get so much stick from the other kids going to school looking like this."

"Put clean clothes on and use some of my deodorant."

"I'm wearing clean stuff. I'll still be covered in mud three steps out the door. Where's your deodorant?"

"Down the end of my bed." Misty's deodorant was in a pink can with pictures of butterflies on it. Ash figured it was better smelling girly than stinking of BO so he gave himself a good blast.

"I'm glad I don't have to get up," Misty giggled. "This bed is really comfortable."

Ash noticed Misty's leg poking out and tickled the sole of her foot. She pulled her leg in and squealed.

"Serves you right for teasing," Ash said. Misty flew out of bed, grabbed Ash around the waist and started tickling under his ribs.

"No, please," Ash giggled.

Ash's legs buckled from laughing. His face was red and spit dribbled down his chin.

"Beg for mercy, undesirable," Misty said. "Or I'll execute order 66!"

"No way," Ash spluttered. Ash couldn't wriggle free. Misty unleashed another wave of tickles.

"Oh no. Please... OK mercy. Stop... Mercy. I SAID MERCY WOMAN."

Misty stopped. Cathy's head poked in from her part of the hut. Her hair was all tangled.

"What's going on?" Cathy asked.

"Tickling," Ash said, gasping for air.

"I thought you were dying or something. I was trying to sleep."

"I've got to go to school," Ash said.

"Do it quietly, Benjamin," Cathy said. "I'm laying in all morning."

"Nice life for some," Ash said. "Is there anything for my breakfast?"

Cathy thought for a second. "There's cold curry, or you could have the last one of your Mars bars."

"Great," Ash said. Misty had snuggled back into bed and was laughing under her sheets.

It was a two-kilometre walk to the school bus stop in Craddogh. A few older Fort Harmony kids showed Ash the way. Joanna was at the stop with some friends. Ash said hello but she ignored him. The village kids wore smart casual clothes. Fort Harmony kids were tramps in comparison.

It was a half-hour ride to school, stopping a few times to pick up more kids. Ash rested his face against the window and watched the sun rise over the passing countryside.

Gwen Morgan school looked better than Ash's old school in London. The modern classrooms were in single storey clusters with covered walkways between them. The areas between buildings had flower beds and neatly trimmed grass with Keep Off signs. When the bell rang kids walked to registration. No shoving or fights breaking out. Even the boys' toilets were clean. Ash washed as much filth as he could off his face and hands before finding his class. He handed a note to his form teacher and found a desk.

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