16. Penalty

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"This is beyond stupid...This is beyond a shambles. And you three... I'm lost for words...You're the biggest idiots of the lot, aren't you?" Oak was pacing up and down his office. Not happy. Brock, Gary and Ash kept sinking lower in their chairs.

Brock had a black eye and his arm in a sling. He'd punched a policewoman trying to escape. Her three colleagues got revenge when he was handcuffed in the back of the police van.

"We never messed up the security survey," Brock blurted. "That was MI5's fault."

"The security survey was fine," Oak said. "The alarm was deactivated. Unfortunately some wankstains cracked the bottom of the swimming pool with a grand piano and the leaking water caused the security system to short circuit. That's what set off the alarm and smoke." Ash and Gary sank lower still.

"So, your punishments. What's it to be? Brock, you messed up in the Caribbean. You messed up at Coumarine House, now you mess up here," Oak said.

"You told me I did a good job when I got back from Coumarine House," Brock whined.

"When you first got back, Brock. Then two days later I hear from Ramos that the social workers want you punished. Something about filling someone's room up with sand and spraying Coke everywhere?"

"Oh, that," Brock said. "The guy was a dick."

"You and Ash were supposed to disappear quietly. No questions asked. I don't like answering questions about where you've gone. I'm sending you on another recruitment mission, Brock."

"No," Brock said.

"A delightful children's home in a run-down area of Glasgow. I understand kids with English accents are particularly unpopular there."

"I won't do it," Brock said.

"Do it, or I'll put you in a foster home." Brock looked shocked.

"You can't kick me out," he said.

"I can and I will, Brock. Pack your stuff and get on the train to Glasgow tomorrow morning or you're out of CHERUB for good. So, Gary." Gary sat up in his chair. "Why did you go along with Brock's idea to take Ash on the mission?"

"Because I'm a total idiot," Gary said.

Oak laughed. "Good answer. You spend a lot of time in the dojo, don't you?"

"Yeah," Gary said.

"For the next three months you're suspended from missions. I want you in the dojo at the end of every day. Wash the floors, polish the mirrors, tidy the changing rooms and load all the towels and stinking kit into the washing machines. Then in the morning, unload all the kit, put it in the driers and fold it ready for use. Should take three hours a day if you work fast."

"Fine," Gary said. But he didn't look fine.

"Now, Ash." Ash was nervous. He didn't know where to look. "You're new here. Keen to make friends. Two qualified agents put you up to something. Basic training starts in a few days and should straighten you out. You get away with this one. But next time I'll come down like a hammer. Understood?"

"Yes, Oak."

"I'm Oak on a good day, Ash. Today you call me Doctor Oak, Doc or Doctor. Got that?"

"Yes, Doctor." Ash couldn't stop a little smile. Then he saw how upset Gary and Brock looked and straightened his face.

"Brock, Gary, you can go," Oak said. They walked out.

"I understand you went to London to see your sister," Oak said.

"Yes," Ash said. "I know I shouldn't have. But I wanted to see her before Christmas."

"I wasn't aware you had difficulty getting access. I'll try and sort something out."

"My stepdad doesn't want me near her."

"I can be very persuasive," Oak said. "I can't make any promises, but I'll do my best."

"Thanks," Ash said. "I know it's not my place, but I think you're being too hard on Brock. He only wanted to help me see Leaf."

"He's nearly fourteen. Brock should be in a navy shirt doing the most difficult missions; instead he keeps making silly errors of judgement. If you'd come and asked me, I would have let you go and see your sister. You could have waited at the station while the others went on the mission. Have you swum your fifty metres yet?"

"No," Ash said.

"Only five days to go, Ash. I won't be happy if you fail."

A real short one to end it off today. Although I have writers block for my One hairs and HIPS, this doesn't make me have it. So I'm going to try to finish it in the next couple of weeks. I have another 18 on standby mostly finished and are in editing stages, whilst I have another 5-10 to write up and finish properly. After that, it'll be onto book two, which is called Class A and that'll start the end of August after I move into my new house. So thanks for reading and votes and I'll see you in the next one.

Votes and Comments = extra motivation btw! 👊

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