Chapter Ten- The Nightmare

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Wordcount: 2158

March, 1974.

Third Year Gryffindor Boy's Dorm

In Gryffindor boy's dorm, with the old four-poster beds and the wine red curtains, the clock on the wall read half past three a.m. and all four of students were awake. This particular situation didn't take place over the weekend.

Remus Lupin was leaning against some pillows. It was only a few days before full moon, so his condition didn't allow him to rest at night. His eyes were red and darkened, his veins seemed to protrude from his skin.

Sirius Black was comfortably curled up in the bed next to him. On his other side was Peter Pettigrew half asleep, and James Potter was on Sirius right, hanging half off his bed. They always insisted on staying up with him, but Remus knew their capacity to perform well in class was suffering greatly because of it.

"Just think about it, Pads. If someone ever was to attack me, I would die because my wand would have miraculously vanished from my pocket again," Remus argued halfheartedly. Sirius would always tie his hair up but always refused to take his own wand, so he snatched away Remus' every time.

"Who would even attack you, Moony?" Sirius yawned and buried his head in the blanket.

"No idea, you never know," Remus answered and they fell silent. The clock ticked quietly, and the four boys eyes started to fall shut. Peter let out a little snore.

At quarter to four, Remus thought the other three had fallen asleep, when suddenly Sirius shifted, and opened his eyes, animating James to do the same.

"Can Thestrals see each other?" Sirius asked, sounding wide awake.

", I really don't know, mate...," James said, blinking confusedly.

"I don't think they can," Sirius whispered to not wake Peter up. James wanted to interrupt him. "No! Listen! So the parents lose their first baby and get the ability to see the next ones. And the babies think that food just appears and whatnot..."

"But... wait, that doesn't work. How would you have sex with something you can't see?" pondered James.

"For the love of Godric would you two go the fuck to sleep?" Remus snapped quietly.

"Sorry, Moony," they said simultaneously. Finally, there was silence. But a stiff, tense one, because Remus seemed to be thinking hard. A few moments passed.

"Holy shit, can they see each other?" he asked blatantly.

"I know right?!" Sirius whisper-yelled. The three of them had to stifle their laughter with their pillows. James pressed the entire sheets against his face to try and shut up.

"Shhh, Pete's asleep!" Remus giggled, unable to stop. But it's the universal rule that everything is funny at ten minutes to four am, so when they thought they had recollected themselves, Sirius pushed himself up on his elbows to look at the other two. The moment they made eye contact, the three lost it. James and Sirius were clutching their cramping stomachs and Remus felt like he was going to pass out from his hurting lungs. His head was all dizzy in the best way possible.

Suddenly, he felt a stinging pain in his spine, sat up rapidly, making all of his backbones crack horrifyingly. But when he opened his eyes, he wasn't in his dorm room anymore.

Remus Lupin found himself sitting in his desk chair in his office at Hogwarts, about twenty years later. His head still hurt, but the dizziness was unpleasant now. Blindly grabbing for the water bottle next to his desk, he attempted to rub his eyes with one hand. Black and purple dots were dancing in front of his eyes. Bright sunlight was streaming through the giant windows, past the dark curtains.

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