Chapter Fifteen- The Quidditch Match

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Wordcount: 2223

The next few weeks all sort of blended together. January faded away and was replaced by a rainy, cold February. Remus Lupin was teaching his classes and managed to not miss a single one, since the full moon was on a Saturday night that month. He was back teaching on Monday. And he was proud of that.

One morning, Remus sat in the Great Hall, nibbling on a piece of toast when the post owls arrived. He caught his Daily Prophet out of the air, just to be greeted by the face of no other than Sirius Black. 

The Ministry of Magic confirms making the decision with the Dementors of Azkaban, that Sirius Black, who is still eluding capture, is facing the Dementors' kiss directly upon recapture. It is to be performed immediately and may take place without a trial or conversation with the perpetrator. People are advised to be on high alert at all times. 

Remus looked up at the enchanted ceiling, feeling empty even though he just ate. The fate of the dementors kiss was nothing anyone deserved. They use their kiss as a weapon only for the worst perpetrators. Those who have to endure the kiss, will have no soul left in their body. No identity, no senses, no pain, no pleasure. No chance of recovery.

Deep down, Remus prayed now that they wouldn't find him. Sirius would be turned into a soulless being; it was selfish, but Remus wanted to talk to him first.

That evening, Harry Potter met him in the History of Magic classroom like every Thursday evening for his anti-dementor lessons, which were not going nearly as well as the student had hoped, while Remus kept ensuring him he was doing great; several sessions in, he was able to produce an indistinct, silvery shadow every time the boggart-dementor approached him, but his Patronus was too feeble to drive the dementor away. All it did was hover, like a semitransparent cloud, draining Harry of energy as he fought to keep it there. Harry looked visibly angry and upset with himself, and Remus knew he felt guilty about his secret desire to hear his parents' voices again.

"You're expecting too much of yourself," said Remus, sternly in their fourth week of practice. "For a thirteen-year-old wizard, even an indistinct Patronus is a huge achievement. You aren't passing out anymore, are you?"

"I thought a Patronus would -- charge the dementors down or something," said Harry dispiritedly. "Make them disappear --"

"The true Patronus does do that," said Remus. "But you've achieved a great deal in a very short space of time. If the dementors put in an appearance at your next Quidditch match, you will be able to keep them at bay long enough to get back to the ground."

"You said it's harder if there are loads of them," said Harry.

"I have complete confidence in you," promised Remus, smiling. "Here -- you've earned a drink - something from the Three Broomsticks. You won't have tried it before --" He pulled two bottles out of his briefcase, hoping to cheer Harry up at least a bit.

"Butterbeer!" said Harry immediately. "Yeah, I like that stuff!"

Remus raised an eyebrow, studying his face. To be fair, he had had the feeling that Harry wasn't always conforming to all the rules before, so this was not shocking to him.

"Oh -Ron and Hermione brought me some back from Hogsmeade," Harry lied quickly. It couldn't have been more obvious. But Remus decided to leave it be, it wasn't like they had never sneaked out of the castle-- in fact, they had probably spent more time breaking rules than following them, but then again, there was a sentenced murderer breathing right down Harry's neck.

"I see," he said, though he still looked slightly suspicious. "Well -- let's drink to a Gryffindor victory against Ravenclaw! Not that I'm supposed to take sides, as a teacher... " he added hastily. Of course, he was rooting for Gryffindor. He would always stay a Gryffindor at heart.

Remus Lupin and the Prisoner of Azkaban (#Wolfstar)Where stories live. Discover now