Chapter Twenty- The Wolf

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Wordcount: 2154

The following week and a half the Quidditch Cup was all everyone talked about. It had been a spectacular match, so no one complained. The members of the Gryffindor team were getting stopped in the hallways a lot so people could congratulate them and thank them enthusiastically.  

In the staff room, the match was discussed just as much. Severus had not been seen three days in a row before he could be seen in his usual seat, glaring at everything and everyone.

Soon, all of that died down though, because the teachers began preparing their classes for everything that would be part of the exams. There was a change of atmosphere in the castle. The revision began and students were getting more stressed. It was quieter.

That was when Remus finally had the chance to talk to Harry.  

Remus was in the library, searching for some books on Transfiguration that Minerva had asked him to get. She was even busier than he was, even though each teacher had the same amount of students; he had gladly accepted to help her either way. So as he was walking through the aisle between the shelves, he studied the spine of every book, reading the golden lettering to determine whether it was what he was searching for. When he finally found the three very specific books, he made his way to the front of the library again. He chatted with Madam Pince for a moment, before he turned around walked straight into a student.

"By Merlin! I am so sorry, Professor Lupin! I wasn't paying attention, sir, sorry!" Hermione Granger was stumbling over her own words, trying to recollect all six books she dropped.

"It was my fault, Hermione. Don't worry, no harm done," he smiled, picking up four of her books. They were all different books about runes and Arithmancy, each had thousands of pages. "Where is your table? I'll help you carry these over." 

"Oh no, that's not necessary, sir! I'm just fine!" she said, clearly stressed out. Remus shook his head and gestured for her to lead the way. He followed her over to a table at the window, where Ron Weasley and Harry Potter were also sitting, their heads buried in books.

"There you go," smiled Remus, heaving her four books in the middle of the table. He held the three he had picked up for Minerva pressed to his side with one arm.

"Thank you, sir, really!" she said, sitting down in the middle of parchment and books.

"Of course, after I have overlooked you so rudely." There was a moment of silence as Remus studied the books on the table. Ron was sitting in front of a stack of literature about Hypogriffs. The teacher knew that that was not part of the Care of Magical Creatures exams that Hagrid had planned.

"We're trying to help Hagrid with his case, sir. You've probably heard," said Ron who noticed the questioning gaze.

"Right, yes. I've heard," said Remus. Hagrid had told him months ago, but he had forgotten entirely. "Best of luck to each of you. Enjoy your work." 

After that, Remus left and brought Professor McGonagall the books to her office. Then he sat in the teacher's room for the rest of the day. It was silent except for occasional tutting and the sound of parchment ruffling and pages turning.

There was a sudden knock on the door, disturbing the peace. Professor Sprout, being closest to the door, got up and answered it. 

"Good evening, Professor. Is Professor Lupin in there? He wasn't in his office," said a familiar voice. Remus got up and went after Professor Sprout. He leaned against the doorframe.

Remus Lupin and the Prisoner of Azkaban (#Wolfstar)Where stories live. Discover now