Chapter Thirty- The New Beginning

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Wordcount 2320

Remus Lupin stood outside on the balcony, looking out into the sea. Stars were reflecting on the water, every now and then disrupted by a small group of people or a couple throwing stones into the water. It was very late at night, the city of Brighton started to quiet down.

"What are you thinking about?" asked a voice behind him suddenly, making him turn around. Remus leaned against the balustrade and eyed the man that just stepped out of the apartment and onto the balcony. 

It was, of course, Sirius Black. He had taken a shower and was drying off his now freshly washed black hair. It was at shoulder length again and looked healthy and groomed. His teeth were so white, they almost blinded him. His skin had retrieved some colour and it was visible that he had at least gained two pounds that day. The dirty ripped prison robes were exchanged to a pair of black jeans, a white shirt and a brand-new leather jacket. It almost looked like all traces of Azkaban were eliminated, only his eyes told a different story. They were darker and looked older. It didn't fit the rest of the image.

"You look good," Remus said honestly. Sirius smirked thankfully, hanging the damp towel over the balustrade to dry. Then he faced the sea, one arm around Remus' waist. 

They didn't say anything for some time. Remus just looked at Sirius observing the water. He really did look wonderful, compared to a few hours ago. 

The evening before, they had left the cave where Remus had found him and apparated to Brighton, where Remus checked them--well, him and his big black dog-- into a Muggle hotel right at the beach. They slept way past midday, then ate the 'best meal that the planet has ever seen', according to Sirius, who ate so much that Remus had actually been concerned. Then he had disappeared into the small bathroom for at least two hours, and now the other saw why. When Remus had knocked on the bathroom door to ask why he was taking so long, he had only yelled "Art takes time, Moony!" and now Remus could confirm that statement. He was gorgeous.

'Understandable,' Remus thought as he took in every bit of his appearance. 'He hadn't been able to shower for a long time.' He couldn't quite comprehend yet that they really made it. He was here, he was with him again and they were safe.

"Look, I wasn't gonna say anything but it's getting creepy," declared Sirius suddenly, ripping Remus out of his thoughts.


"You've been staring at me for like five minutes now and it's getting creepy," he repeated, a smirk on his face. 

"Sorry," Remus said quickly and turned to the water again, slightly embarrassed. 

"It's fine," Sirius laughed. "Now that my hair does not look a mess anymore, I'm irresistibly hot again." They both laughed and shook their heads, then the conversation naturally died down. 

"I have an idea" said Sirius suddenly, his tone energetic and excited.  Remus watched him comb his wet hair with his fingers.

"Is it a good one?" he inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves here," he answered.

Remus laughed and rolled his eyes. "What's your idea?"

"Let's go."

"Excuse me?" 

"Let's go. Let's leave. It's past midnight, there won't be lots of people in the streets, we could grab something to drink and go to the beach," suggested Sirius, shrugging as he tried to tie up his hair, but the wet strands kept falling back in his face.

"Absolutely not," Remus said earnestly. "You are out of your mind. What if someone recognizes you from the news?" 

"I am offended! I look nothing like the picture from the news. Come on, Moony, live a little!" he nudged, taking Remus' hand and pulling him out the door with him.

Remus Lupin and the Prisoner of Azkaban (#Wolfstar)Where stories live. Discover now