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Dear Harry,

I hope this finds you before you reach your aunt and uncle. I don't know whether they're used to owl post. Buckbeak and I are in hiding. I won't tell you where, in case this owl falls into the wrong hands. I have some doubt about his reliability, but he is the best I could find, and he did seem eager for the job.

For the same reason, I cannot tell who else is with me, as it would mean danger to his life if this information was discovered. Let's just say he taught us all a lot this year and is smiling like an idiot as I'm writing this. (Also, he is forcing me to write, can you believe that?)

I believe the dementors and the Ministry are still searching for me, but they haven't a hope of finding me here. I have 'allowed' (it was more or less voluntary) some Muggles to glimpse me a few days ago, a long way from Hogwarts, so that the security on the castle will be lifted next year. (Moony says I almost got us killed but he doesn't mean that.)

There is something I never got around to telling you during our brief meeting. It was I who sent you the Firebolt; Crookshanks took the order to the Owl Office for me. I used your name but told them to take the gold from my own Gringotts vault. Please consider it as thirteen birthdays' worth of presents from your godfather. I would like to add that Moony had almost entirely surely known that the Firebolt was sent by me and could have saved you a lot of trouble, so blame him. (Now he accuses me of impoliteness. I am questioning my loyalties.)

I would also like to apologize for the fright I think I gave you that night last year when you left your uncle's house. I had only hoped to get a glimpse of you before starting my journey north, but I think the sight of me alarmed you. (Moony is saying it was a terrible idea and I should have known better, please agree that he is a horrible know-it-all.) 

I am enclosing something else for you, which I think will make your next year at Hogwarts more enjoyable. 

If ever you need me, send word. Your owl will find me. 

I'll write again soon (Moony is making me.)


RS: I thought your friend Ron might like to keep this owl, as it's my fault he no longer has a rat. It really is an owl, let Crookshanks confirm this statement if you don't believe me.

"I'm glad you wrote him a letter," said Remus, studying Sirius, who sat at the desk in the cheap motel room they had rented in Wales.

"It's weird, but I'm glad too. I feel like I know him so well, but he has no memory of me," Sirius said, tying the letter to the tiny owl's leg. 

"I know, but we'll get to know him some day. We'll be a family. He truly is like James, you'll see," he reassured and smiled. He knew neither of them wanted to wait, they wanted to care for Harry. The only duty James had left them before he died. But realistically, it was impossible without presenting Sirius to the public-- resulting in both of them executed before they even reached Azkaban.

"You think James would be mad?" asked Sirius, looking up at him. He smiled apologetically.

"Of course not. He knows you're doing everything you can to be there for Harry. I bet he's up there somewhere with Lily, looking down on us, on you and me, on Harry. And he's proud. Probably waiting for the day Harry will be able to stay with us too, for that will be a wonderful, wonderful day. Don't think about it too much." Remus kissed his significant other quickly, before pulling him out of his seat at the desk.

"And if that takes a few years, then it may. We have the rest of our life," he said, looked at Sirius and smiled. Those eyes, that smile... he really wanted to see that for the rest of time. He had so much love for that man and he knew he was loved just as much.

"The rest of our lives? How long is that?"

"Very, very long."


Remus Lupin and the Prisoner of Azkaban (#Wolfstar)Where stories live. Discover now