Chapter Twenty Seven- The Resignation

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Wordcount: 2297

Shortly after half-past four o'clock that night, the sun started to rise. The werewolf had terrorized the forest for hours when it felt the pain start to rise in its chest. It let out agonized howls of terror, scratching its hurting limbs to try and stop it. Its body shrunk severely and the fur disappeared. Left panting hard on the damp forest floor, was Professor Remus Lupin.

Dressed in the clothes he had worn before he transformed, he sat leaned against a tree, trying to catch his breath. His wounds stung terribly, but what was worse were his thoughts. He swore loudly a couple of times.

What happened? he asked himself. His memory was clouded like it tended to be when the werewolf took ahold of him and acted in its own aggressive manner. Did I hurt anyone? he wondered, looking at the blood on his hands and clothes. I fucking hope this is my own blood.

After regaining his strength, he walked back to the Whomping Willow to collect his wand. It was still close to pitch black outside, but he had a feeling the willow was where he lost control of the wolf. And truly, as soon as he laid eyes on the tree, memories were floating back to him. He had been fighting a big, black dog. Sirius. Sirius! He had been in the Shrieking Shack with him! And Peter Pettigrew. Ron, Hermione, Harry. Snape. Everything came back at once. He broke out into a run, as best he could. His side ached horrendously, he was sure something was broken somewhere in his body. 

When he entered the castle, he heard voices. He quickly hid behind a corner. No one needed to see him like that. Blood was pulsing in his ears so loudly, he had trouble listening to the people talking. But he was just so on edge. What had happened to Sirius? Did they catch Peter? Had Remus harmed him?

"There is no way Potter had nothing to do with it," said a voice. It was quiet but furious. Remus identified it immediately-- Severus Snape was talking to someone. The other person stayed silent the entire time, but two sets of footsteps echoed from the walls.

"The Dementors were already on their way to perform their kiss on shortly after midnight. He was left alone locked in for ten minutes at the same time that they had left Potter alone in the Hospital wing and I can assure you that he helped Black flee. In my opinion, both Black and that crazed lunatic werewolf running around on the school's grounds this very second just both be executed on the spot. But Dumbledore has always made exceptions for maniacs. If only the Minister wasn't so blind..." the voices went quieter and quieter, until they were gone.

Remus ran up the stairs as fast as he could. If it was true that Sirius had fled, he had to find him, he had to! Now that he had discovered the truth--

"Sherbet Lemon," Remus panted when he reached the headmaster's office. The stone moved and he jumped up three stairs at a time. Without knocking he burst in.

"Where is he?" he asked, leaning heavily onto the chair in front of Dumbledore's desk. He was aware that he was covered in blood, dirt and sweat, but he didn't care. He just needed to know--

"Sirius escaped using the Hippogriff Buckbeak. He's travelling South. Peter exited the school's grounds when you transformed. Harry, Ron and Hermione are shaken by the events, but well. Severus is infuriated," informed Dumbledore. He spoke calmly from his chair, studying Remus. 

Remus' head dropped and he looked down. On one hand, he was so relieved. Sirius didn't get kissed, he was alive. He was alive and well. But on the other hand... he would never be truly free until they found Peter, which wouldn't happen. Remus promised himself that he would find him; he had a lot to say.

"Peter got away?" he panted, looking up at Dumbledore.

"Yes, unfortunately. Yet, it wasn't all for nothing. The truth was uncovered tonight, as it should have been thirteen years ago. We can remain a voice for reason, for justice, and for love. Tonight was a night of choices, and, in my humble opinion, the right choices have been made."

Remus Lupin and the Prisoner of Azkaban (#Wolfstar)Where stories live. Discover now