Chapter 18

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"It's been a week since the discovery of Jason Blossom's body. But his death is not the first, nor would it be the last casualty that the town of Riverdale would suffer. The Twilight Drive-In where I work, my home away from home, a piece of town history, is closing for good, just when we needed a place to escape to the most. With Sheriff Keller knocking on every door and neighbour suspecting neighbour, Riverdale, every day that passes, is becoming more like Salem during the witch trials. And meanwhile, the girl next door, our friendly neighbourhood Hitchcock blonde, Betty Cooper, was wrestling with the knowledge that her best friend, Archie Andrews, was caught up in a forbidden romance."

Blake and Jughead were sat in a booth at Pop's with Betty and Veronica across from them and Kevin on the end of the table on a chair he had pulled up. Blake was swirling around her chocolate milkshake as Jughead ranted to the group.

"The Drive-In closing is just one more nail in the coffin that is Riverdale No, forget Riverdale, in the coffin of the American dream." Jughead exclaimed. "As the godfather of indie cinema, Quentin Tarantino, likes to say Please,"

"God, no more Quentin Tarantino references." Kevin suddenly cut in.

"What? I'm pissed. And not just about losing my job. The Twilight Drive-In should mean something to us. People should be trying to save it." Jughead's voice was getting louder and the group were starting to get weird looks.

"In this age of Netflix and VOD, do people really want to watch a movie in a car? I mean, who even goes there?" Veronica expressed.

"People who want to buy crack." Kevin said.

"And cinephiles, and car enthusiasts. Right, Bee?"

Blake was knocked out of her trance. "Totally." She was more worried about the fact that her brothers secret wasn't going to be secret much longer and that once the drive in closed Jughead would have nowhere to go.

"Anyway, it's closing because the town owns it, but didn't invest in it. So, when an anonymous buyer made Mayor McCoy an offer, she couldn't refuse..." Jughead clarified.

"Anonymous buyer?" Veronica laughed. "What do they have to hide? No one cares."

"I do!" Jughead said with exasperation. "Also, you guys should all come to closing night. I'm thinking American Graffiti Or is that too obvious?" Jughead queried as he stole the cherry off his girlfriend's milkshake. He could tell something was wrong but he wasn't going to press in front of everyone.

"I vote for anything starring Audrey Hepburn. Or Cate Blanchett." Veronica told him.

"Or The Talented Mr. Ripley." Kevin said almost dreamily. "Betty, your choices?"

"How about A Street Car Named Desire?" Betty suggested. She was also struggling with the idea that Archie might be sleeping with a teacher.

"Blake?" Jughead asked.

"Maybe Rebel Without a Cause?" She smiled at him. He smirked back. The sheer amount of times the pair had watched that movie was astounding.

"Here you go, kids." Hermione Lodge said as she brought over their food.

"Thanks, Mom." Veronica said as the rest of the group smiled.

"If I would have known Mama Lodge was working as a waitress at Pop's, I never would have given Veronica a spot on the Vixens. It's off-brand, and sends a false message about acceptance." Cheryl was telling her living mannequins.

"After her TMZ-style take-down of Chuck, all the Vixens kind of like Veronica now." One of the mannequins said.

"Do they?" Cheryl pursed her lips. As Hermione went to take their check Cheryl slammed her hand over it. "Be sure to put all that cash in the register. You are a Lodge, after all, and Lodges are known to have sticky fingers."

"Cheryl," Veronica said as she walked over.

"Honey, I got this." Hermione held up a finger to her daughter. "Cheryl, I went to school with your mother. She didn't know the difference between having money and having class, either." Hermione assured her as she picked up the check and walked away. Veronica smiled at Cheryl before sitting back down.

"Now, that's an odd combo of people." Kevin said looking to the door as the bell chimed. Blake looked back and saw her dad, brother and Miss Grundy.

"I'll be right back." Betty suddenly said as she got up.

"No, Betty." Jughead tried as Blake also got up. "No. Don't..." He sighed in defeat as the girls walked over

"Wait, what's happening?" Kevin queried.

"Hey, Betty." Fred said. "Blake, I thought you were with Jughead."

"Hi, Mr. Andrews, Ms. Grundy." Betty greeted as Blake merely pointed to where Jughead was sat and Fred nodded.

"Archie, can I talk to you?" Betty asked.

"Sure. I'll call you later?" Archie said.

"No. Actually, now. Just school stuff. Outside?" Betty and Archie, who shot both Blake and Jughead a look, both left leaving Blake stood awkwardly.

"Um, how was the concert, sorry I couldn't make it Jughead's upset about the driving closing." Blake smiled.

"It was really good." Fred said.

"Okay, well I should be getting back to everyone, so I'll see you later," She said to her dad who nodded. "and it was nice seeing you Miss Grundy." Blake said as the music teacher smiled.

She more or less ran back to the booth and slid back into her seat next to Jughead. He was biting his thumb and looking out of the window worriedly.

"What's happening out there? Do we know? Is it about me?" Veronica worried.

"I have a strong inkling, and no." Jughead assured her. "Also, I'd let it go."

"Yes, but you're you, and I'm me. You do you, girl, I'll be back." Veronica said as she got up and walked outside.

"That is not going to end well." Blake muttered as Jughead grabbed her hand.

"What was it like before she got here? I honestly cannot remember." Kevin shared.

They watched the three of them argue outside until Betty's mum pulled up and Betty left.

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