Chapter 9

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(herrow! New charcters in dis chappie so journey on to ze storeh~)

A few weeks later.....

  Once you were out of the hospital, you and the gang decided to go to Gamestop to get some new horror games to play for the lack of videos. 

   You all got in the car and Pewdie turned on the radio. To your fortune, yours and Cry's favorite song was on. As Pewds was about to change it Cry abruptly slapped the back of his head and you shook your finger in Pewds' face, "Nu nu nu."


Cry got out of the car and shut the door in your face, leaving you pouting and swinging the door open making sure to hit him. "OWEH!" He wimmpered as he walked to the door and held it for Pewdie, Marzia, who wasnt glad to be there, and you.

You and Cry childishly ran towards the horror games and Pewds, suprisingly, walked over in an orderly fashion while Marzia just decided to go to the mall that was right across the street. 

Cry picked out the game and you agreed almost imediatly as you two ran over to check out.

You were suprised to see that Cry wasnt beside you as he was seconds ago and you turned on your heel to see him talking to a girl.

She wore a grey hoodie, hands in pockets and her auburn hair layered over her shoulders. Her eyes had brown eyes that perfectly accompanied her hair in a perfect way. However, you couldnt say she was completely perfect, she had a few pimples but not much.

Around her neck on a chain hung a purple vile. Her left eye seemed a little bugged and stuff but there was a small mark there.

You finally got tired of waiting for him to finish with his conversation and you walked over to them, "Hey." You said. "Hey, ___, is it alright if Skye makes a video with us? She's pretty cool!" He said from waht you could tell he was smiling, the way his mask shifted.

You looked over at the girl that went by the name of Skye and nodded, "Course!" you held your hand out but she simpily looked at it before saying, "Thank you." and she smiled politely. 

Your phone beeped as you picked at it from your pocket, struggling to free it from your pocket. You finally got it out and checked the message of  utter horror, you dropped the phone. 

The phone fell screen-first and you felt your stomach flip as you nearly vomited all over Skye.

Skye picked the phone up from the ground as her face contourted in disgust as she saw the picture herself. "Who's that?" she asked.

"That WAS my m-mother." Before Cry got to say anything you grabbed Pewdie and Cry while Cry grabbed Skye and you ran to the car. 

Marzia was already by the car and once she saw the expression on your face she knew this was buissness and she immediatly got in the car and started it up.

Skye sat in the back with you and Cry and you all drove off to your mom's office building, horrified of what you might find. 

(well next character will be in next chappie, hope you enjoyed, vote comment what eva, stay magical!)

A Chaotic life. (Cry x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now