Chapter 8

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(Hallo Imma back! This update will be SUUUPPPEEERRRR long so bear with me and grab some popcorn! Journey on to teh storeh)

 It went black.

The loud noise of your cracking bones and the sound of the car slamming into your side was so loud that Pewds and Cry rushed outside. The car just drove away like othing happened and the two males stood infront of you absolutely dumbfounded.

 Several people came outside to see your mangled body sprawled ou ton the concrete in an awkward postion. EVeryone murmered quietly as Pewds and Cry just stared down at you. 

Marzia came out groggily, hair a mess and pale skin.  Obviously sick.

Her dark eyes widened when she saw you on the ground, blood dripping from your mouth and bruised, literatly black. Your h/l h/c hair was laying around your head like a feathery halo. It was a while before some one actually spoke. "What...h-happened?" Cry asked shakily, looking down at his friend's once lovely e/c eyes that were now cold and probaly lifeless. Before anyone could say anything he picked you up and carried you to his car without hesitation.

He seemed to have no expression while taking you to the hospital, leaving the others behind without a word.

Pewds and Marzia stood with the group of people that like them, were absolutely speechless. 

Marzia grabbed Pewdie's hand and ran to the car and quickly followed after Cry to meet him at the hospital. 

She drove like she was on some type of drug and was speeding beyond the limit. She didnt care. She wasnt oblivious at how fast she was going because she was bound determined to know you were okay. So was Pewds.

Yes yes, a time skippeh


When they arrived at the hospital, Cry already had you checked into a room and was waiting for any results. He had a small blood stain on his shirt were he had you in his arms and the blood from you mouth changed the color to crimson.

The nurse kept looking at your friends with a concern before she walked over. "Were'nt you three here yesterday?" she asked. "Yeah, I was the one in care yesterday, but our friend was hit by a car." Cry answered.

His mask made him seem like he didnt care at all. But he did. He felt like his heart was just shattered into a million pieces.

He had no idea why he cared so much. He was looking for the courage to act like he didnt. Pewds and Marzia were obviously worried sick. Cry was like a trooper. He wouldnt let anyone see his tears fall or get overly excited. He was just, there. 

He has only cried once, all the other times he had no reaction. 

But now, It's like he's about to break down. He's scared but isnt even daring to show it. He took a deep, heavingly gulped as your doctor came out with the results. Pewds and Marzia looked up with hopeful eyes, Pewds' blue eyes were brighter than ever and Marzia's sickness is seeming to leave her behind.

The doctor pulled down hi smouth cover and finally spoke, "I'd like to announce to you three that your friend...she's, okay." Pewdie and Marizia sighed with great relief and Cry smiled greatly. He thought everything would turn out fine. But he forgot about one thing...

the stalker...

(Well, das all for now, i'll update tomorrow, vote, comment, do whateveah, and stay magical! )

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