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Ladybug and Chat had their mouths gaping, not sure if they would be scared or not.
"Ehem." The Flower coughed, wanting their attention.
"Are you going to keep staring at me or stop being rude? Were you always this rude?" It asked.
"Em, we, sorry." Ladybug said.
"Why do you look like you're dressed up for a costume party? Anyway.."
"What is this place?" Chat asked.
"Why this is the underground, of course!! And I'm going to teach you how things work around here~" Flowey said as two hearts appeared in front of the heroes.
Ladybug's heart was red with five spots in the front, while Chat's heart was Black with a green paw print in the middle.
"(Well, aren't those creative souls..) See those hearts? Those are the very culmination of your being! You can become stronger by gaining lots of LV. What's LV stand for? Why-"
"Levels of violence!" Chat interrupted the flower.
"Chat! Don't interrupt him! He's trying to help us!" Ladybug said.
"Yeah, didn't you hear, curiosity killed the cat, you know.." Flowey said, with a devilish look on his face.
"LV stands for LOVE, of course! You want some LOVE, don't you?" Flowey continued like he didn't just give them a death threat.
"Down here, LOVE is shared through.. little, white, Friendliness Pellets." The pellets formed around Flowey.
"Go on, catch as many as you can!"

"You first, m'lady." Chat said. Ladybug reached for a pellet, but when she touched it, she lost her energy and fell to the ground. Chat ran to her aid.
"Ladybug! What did you do you
weed?!" Chat yelled at the flower.
"You fools."
Flowey laughed maniacally.
"In this world, its kill or be killed! And lucky me, I have my first cat in the bag! Oh, I've been waiting for this for so long! DIE!!"
Flowey continued laughing as the bullets closed in on them. But, as Chat shielded Ladybug from them as they were mere inches away, someone came along to save the day.

Miraculous Tale {Miraculous Ladybug x Undertale Crossover}Where stories live. Discover now