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Marionette POV
Mari showed Chat the clothes and the masks before Chat took a small cat-nap. Chat chose a green and yellow striped shirt, that fit him just right. And a dark purple mask that had a really long nose. He broke off the nose and other decor on the mask like feathers and unnecessary things.
Chat put on the clothes and mask, then de-transformed to save energy.
Adrien handed the Camembert back to the kwami.
"Ugh, this cheese is tasteless." Plagg complained, and threw it across the room.
"Can we get some pie, Mar- I mean.. Ladybug?" Tiki asked, almost saying her name.
"Yeah, of course! Let's go, Chat!" Marionette forgot that they had changed, and didn't recognize Chat at all.
"You first, m'lady." Chat gestured to the door. Mari and Chat went to where they guessed the living room was, and saw Toriel reading on a large chair, just right for her size.
"Oh! You have awaken. Bother me if you need anything."
"Actually.. may we have some pie, miss Toriel?" Marionette asked. Toriel got up from her chair and gave a warm smile. "Of course. Please, sit while I get your plates."
Toriel came back from the kitchen with two slices of butterscotch cinnamon pie. She hesitated when setting down Adrien's plate.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"N..nothing, my child. Go on and eat."
Marionette noticed how Toriel looked at Adrien's shirt. Maybe she didn't like the colors yellow and green together? Why would the shirt even be in the drawer if she didn't like it? Maybe it had dirt on it. The clothes were dusty, after all. Maybe she's-
"Is there something wrong, Ladybug?" Chat asked between mouthfuls of pie.
"No... Tiki! Save some pie for me!" Marionette noticed that half the pie was gone on her plate. Tiki just giggled, and soon Marionette joined in.
It took all my brain power, but I did it! Sorry I was gone for so long, I've been working on... important stuffs.. *ehm(watchingyoutube)ehm* did you hear something? I didn't.
Well, next chapter will be the last of the ruins, and the start of a new snowy day in Snowdin. Follow, vote, and add to library to keep up!

Miraculous Tale {Miraculous Ladybug x Undertale Crossover}Where stories live. Discover now