day five.

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"hello yoongi!" taehyung placed his breakfast on the table.

"where's jungkook?" taehyung rose his eyebrows when he saw Yoongi's confused expression.

taehyung answered, pouting slightly, "oh, he had to deal with some family business."

yoongi's posture straightened and he rubbed his eyes, trying to hide his disappointment. "will he be back soon?"

"don't worry, he'll come back tomorrow." taehyung's eyes caught a small unfamiliar object.

he picked up the stuffed dog next to yoongi. "what's this?" yoongi gave him a half smile.

don't touch that. jungkook gave it to me.

"jungkook gave that to me yesterday."

thinking of the boy's blush and shy gaze made him smile. "he said it looked like holly. it does, doesn't it?"

taehyung grinned. "a gift~?" he nudged yoongi's shoulder.

"gah, you two. Just get married already."

yoongi tried to frown but failed. as he was trying to hide his face, he didn't see taehyung's guilty expression and the regret in his eyes.

"god, taehyung. we barely know each other."

the younger of the two stuck out his tongue childishly, "says the one who made jungkook feed him."

surprisingly, yoongi let out a laugh, not a forced one.

"wow, i haven't heard you laugh in a long time." taehyung took a seat on the floor and sat crisscross.

"he's changed you."


"and seriously, he's so adorable sometimes."

yoongi bit his lip. "more like all the time."

wait did i just say that?

taehyung looked at him with an amused smirk. "he's single."

yoongi retorted. "and i don't care."

he quickly made note that jeon jungkook was single.

taehyung checked his phone. "jungkook just texted me." he was quiet for a moment and put his phone back in his pocket.

"what did he say?"

taehyung seemed to not want to talk about the topic. "it was nothing. he just wanted to let me know he might not be here tomorrow."

yoongi frowned. "what? again? why?"

taehyung shrugged. "it's... not our business so we shouldn't ask. just hope that he'll be okay."

yoongi nodded and stayed quiet, but he couldn't help but feel worried.

what had happened?

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