day twelve.

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as of right now, in this current moment, jungkook was walking through the hospital.

a happy smile is plastered onto his face as he enters the white waiting room, walking over to the chairs.

he takes a seat and quietly waits for his name to be called by the doctor. he looks around and sees some other people with expressions that he wished he didn't have to hide.



after a few minutes, a man in white coat opened the door and looked at his clipboard. "jeon jungkook."

he looked up and gave the doctor a curt nod, standing and following the man into a long hallway. the doctor is someone he has talked to for a long time and the doctor's face is grim, although it softens up and forms a smile when he turns to look at jungkook.

this doctor is young, his smile is friendly and his heart is golden, jungkook being lucky and having him as his doctor. he had become friends with the man and could finally open up about situations. but he didn't want to. did he?

"how have you been, jungkook?"

they go inside the doctor's office, one that jungkook had visited for many days. "i've been fine, really."

the man takes a seat and gives him a small smile. "you know i don't take the word 'fine' as an answer." jungkook chuckles and shrugged. "of course."

he sits down in the seat across from the doctor, a small smile on his face which hid the sadness that he kept. "so," the man started, taking off his glasses like he would do when he was talking to someone he was comfortable around.

"how have you been? not a 'nice day?' kind of thing. are you physically okay?"

jungkook bit on his lower lip, his gaze on his hands and nervously played with a pencil. "my health is fine. i've been taking my medication, i've tried my best, but..." he gulps, suddenly realizing how fast the days had gone by.


the doctor's warm smile had been replaced with a sad one, a smile that looked like he'd seen this happen before. "jungkook... you still have time."

his words are kind and it's clear that he's trying to make jungkook look on the bright side, but he just doesn't understand. he doesn't know.

he doesn't have yoongi.

jungkook finally got the courage to look him in the eye. "it's not me, it's him."

the doctor's lips part and a distant look is on his face, but gives him a knowing expression. "him? oh. would you like to talk about it?"

"well..." jungkook thought for a moment. "he... we're... i'm in love with him."

that's when it hurt. that's when he felt his heart break into a million pieces, that's when he felt like sobbing. he wanted to break down and scream at the top of his lungs.

he was so stupid.

"we met and - god, I feel so selfish, but - I just saw him and he was - he made me - "

he let out a breath and choked out a sob. "he reminded me of jimin."

the doctor just continued listening, a trait that jungkook liked about him, he could listen to everything you need to vent about. "he... at first, i didn't really care, y'know? i just thought..."

he pushed his hair back, his heart dropping when he realized that jimin used to do that as well when he was nervous.

"i thought he wouldn't fall for me back." he closed his eyes. "but he did."

"a-and, i just thought that maybe, loving him was good enough for me, but oh my god, i'm so selfish. it's like i didn't even consider his feelings. i feel... i feel like..." his eyes clouded from tears and squeezed his eyes shut.


a/n: do u hear that
that's my heart shattering
into a billion pieces

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