day fourteen.

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quick note before you read this
:: this is the 'official ending',
which means if there a sequel,
second book, add on book, etc,
it branches off from this.


yoongi sat uncomfortably in his chair. something's off about today. he was currently in his room, looking through photo after photo on his phone. pictures that he took with jungkook.

suddenly the door opens, and taehyung walks in with a small smile, "hey, yoongi." yoongi raised his eyebrows. "hey, taehyung. it's been a few days since you visited.

taehyung nodded and let out a small chuckle. "yeah, i guess it has." yoongi looked behind the boy and once again met taehyung's gaze. "where's jungkook? i was expecting him to be here today."

taehyung's smile dropped and he went silent. "yoongi..."

yoongi's breath hitched. "did something happen?"


taehyung let out a sad sigh, his gaze falling to the floor. when he looked up again, yoongi's heart broke when he saw tears in the boy's eyes. yoongi stared at him, not wanting to know. "what happened?"


yoongi raised his voice, "what happened to jungkook?"

taehyung wiped his tears with his hand and gulped. "he's in the hospital."




"where is jeon jungkook?!"

the nurse tried to calm him down, not succeeding in any way. "sir, please calm down he-"

"let me see my boyfriend!"


rushing into the room, he stopped short in the doorway, one hand on the doorknob.

his eyes went to the boy in the bed and he felt his body go weak. the boy in the bed looked exhausted. the boy in the bed looked pale, as pale as a ghost. the boy was dying.

the boy was jungkook.

he rushed over to his side, a familiar ache started to form in his heart. "why?" in his surprise, jungkook opened his eyes and yoongi quickly grabbed his hand, "you... you're awake?" jungkook gave him a slight nod, licking his chapped lips.

his voice was raspy and he sounded tired. "yoo... yoongi... i'm so sorry."

yoongi shook his head, blinking away tears. "why are you sorry?" jungkook once again opened his eyes, his gaze on yoongi's. "i... knew. but i still..." he paused as if he was in pain and he closed his eyes. "i still tried to love you." yoongi narrowed his eyes, biting on his lip. "don't you dare blame yourself for anything."

jungkook's eyes fluttered open again. "i wish... i wish we had all the time... in the world." yoongi held the boy's hand tight. "we have now."

"i love you, yoongi."

yoongi's tears escaped and rolled down his cheeks. "i love you, too."

"please... please forgive me."


"please, yoongi..."

"of course, kookie."

"thank you, yoongi." his eyes slowly opened and he frowned when he saw yoongi's tears. "please don't cry, yoongi."

he gave his hand a squeeze. "smile for me. promise me you will."

with a sob ready to come out, the heart monitor continued to slow down.

beep. beep. beep.

"i promise, jungkook."

with a smile, jungkook closed his eyes.

beep. beep.

yoongi's eyes went to the monitor and felt his knees give out when he saw it.


jungkook was gone.

every sound was muffled. everything became eerie silent to yoongi's senses, and in the back of his mind, somewhere, he heard taehyung break down. he heard other people, people that knew jungkook, start crying.

but they didn't understand. jungkook was his everything.

and now his everything was gone.


people say you can fall in love in such a short amount of time.

people say you can't find a soulmate that'll stay with you until you die.

but jungkook did, and is he selfish for it?

in yoongi's eyes, no. jungkook was never selfish. jungkook helped him heal.

and he knows he'll be able to keep on.


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