day eight.

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"jungko - "

yoongi froze when taehyung's face appeared when he opened the door instead of jungkook's.

"oh. hey, taehyung." he stepped aside instead of hugging the boy like he'd usually do to jungkook. taehyung walked in and laughed.

"don't sound too disappointed." he placed a box of cookies on the counter.

he smiles, "i brought you food~"

"thanks. uh, so..." yoongi scratched his head, walking over to the box of cookies and looking over them.

"where's my - " he paused and corrected himself, "i mean - where's jungkook?"

taehyung stayed quiet for a bit while fixing his hair in the hallway mirror but finally answered. "some family problems he has to take care of."

you see, yoongi could've nodded and changed the topic, but he couldn't because kim taehyung was so damn bad at lying.

yoongi gave him an uncertain glance. "really? again?" he continued, but this time he stared straight at taehyung.

"i know you're lying taehyung." the boy shifted uncomfortably from side to side, shaking his head softly and shrugged. "it's just... he's busy. so i'm here."

"is he hurt or something?"

"of course not. he's... fine."

yoongi bit on his bottom lip nervously but sighed. "okay. sure.

taehyung walked over to the kitchen stool and sat down, spinning it with his foot. "what's going on between you two?"

yoongi was caught off guard with the question and silently cursed at himself for stuttering. "um - what?"

"you know what i said. what's going on?" taehyung gave him a teasing grin. "i'm your best friend, c'mon, yoongi."

yoongi shrugged and took a seat across taehyung. "i don't know." and that was the truth. he didn't know what jungkook was to him, nor how the latter felt about him.

all he knew was that he really like being around the younger. and seeing him smile. and... everything that the boy did.

my heart hurts thinking of him.

"really?" he rested his head on his hand. "i know you don't know. but what do you know?"

"taehyung that doesn't even make sense."

"what i mean is, what do you think of him?"

yoongi stares at the wall behind taehyung who's giving him full attention. after a long silence, yoongi closed his eyes and let it out. "i think i like him."

he heard a fake gasp. "no! really?"

he glared at taehyung who shot him a smile. "no, duh, you like him." he rolled his eyes, "i want more than that! what do you want to have with jungkook?"

(a/n: lmao babies bye)

yoongi faced taehyung and felt his cheeks get warmer as he said it. "i want to be more than friends with him." taehyung's grin grew wider. "best friends?"

yoongi rolled his eyes and scoffed. "no. i want to be his boyfriend."

taehyung gave him a thumbs up. "so tell jungkook that."

yoongi shut his eyes. "how?" he slumped down in his seat, grabbing a cookie from the small container. he read the label. "사랑 베이커리 [ (my) love bakery ]?"

taehyung nodded. "yeah, the new place i work at."

he lowered his voice and whispered. "i kind of took this." he looked pleased with himself. "but my boss, seokjin, saw and didn't care because he was going to give it to me anyway."

yoongi tried his best to not facepalm.

"but hey, free food."

yoongi couldn't help but chuckle a bit. taehyung smiled proudly at his accomplishment.

at least i made him smile.

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