Chapter 1

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"Damn it man, that was our ride. You just stunned our ride!" Bones says.

Jim takes off his mask. "Aw great." He says sarcastically.

We hear the cries of the natives and start to run again.

"What the hell did you take?" Bones yells, running beside me.

"Dunno, they were bowing to it!" I answer.

The natives begin to throw spears at us.

"They're trying to kill us!" Bones yells. A spear sails over his head. "They're trying to kill us Jim, Natasha!"

"We've gotta get out of here!" I pull out my communicator. "Spock have you gone inside that bloody volcano yet? The natives are out of the kill zone!"

"Almost, Captain." Spock answers.

"Then get in there, activate your super ice cube, and let's go!" Jim says.

"Wait, Jim, the beach is that way!" Bones yells when I put my communicator back in my pocket.

"I know. We're not going to the beach!" Jim hooks the scroll onto a tree branch and keeps on running.

"Oh no, no, no!" Bones yells.

"Sorry, Bones. But we've got to get out of here!" I yell back.

"I hate this!"

"I know you do!" Jim and I say in unison.

Then all three of us run off the cliff into the sparkling blue water far beneath us.

"Whoaaa!" Bones shrieks halfway down, waving his arms wildly.

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