Chapter 15

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 Right when we finish off the guards, we look where Natasha and Khan just were.

"Where's Khan and Natasha?" Scotty asks.

Where they were is just a trio of guards crumpled on the ground.

"Where are they?" Scotty repeats as we look around for them, not going more than a few feet away.

I curse.

"This way." We suddenly hear Khan's voice behind us. We turn and see Natasha and Khan standing there. Khan walks away and Natasha's still standing there.

"Well? Come on!" She says, and follows Khan.

"The minute we get to the bridge, drop him." I order Scotty.

"What? Khan? I thought he was helping us."

"I'm pretty sure we're helping him."

We follow Khan, and we finally make it to the bridge.

Marcus and his crew are attacked by the four of us, and we take down the whole crew and surround Marcus. I see Carol by the wall, not hit in the attack.


I see Jim nod to Scotty and Scotty stuns Khan.

"Make sure he stays down." Jim orders. Scotty makes his way to Khan, who's unconscious. Scotty passes Carol.

"Excuse me." He says to her.

"Yeah." She answers, getting out of the way for him.

"Admiral Marcus you're under arrest." I say to him.

"You're not actually gonna do this, are you?" He says to us.

"Admiral get out of the chair." Jim orders him.

"You better stop and think about what you're doing, Kirk and Adams. You better think about what you did on Kronos. You made an incursion on an enemy planet, killed Klingon patrol." He looks at me when he mentions killing the Klingon patrol. "Even if you got away without a trace, war is coming! And who's gonna lead us? You?! If I'm not in charge," He gestures to himself with his thumb. "Our whole way of life is decimated! So if you want me off this ship-you better kill me."

"We're not gonna kill you sire. But we could stun your ass and drag you out of that chair. I'd rather not do that in front of your daughter." Jim looks at Carol.

"You alright?" I ask her.

"Yes, Captain." She says.

Suddenly Khan wakes up and literally jumps onto Jim, attacking him.

"Jim!" Carol yells.

Khan throws Kirk across the room and Khan goes over to Marcus. I get in front of Khan, stopping him.

"Khan, no!" I say.

He pauses for a moment before he throws at punch at me. I duck to the side and punch his elbow. He arm curves in and I grab his arm with both hands and flip him over onto the ground in front of some steps. I cross my arm over his neck and hold down one of his arms with the other hand. With his free hand he punches me in the cheek and the force actually throws me to the side.

This is why every woman on the Enterprise should wear pants (and thank God I'm not wearing the short dresses they have)-if they ever get into a fight, they can easily move around.

Khan gets up and walks over to me, but I roll onto my stomach and jump up, punching his face. He stumbles back and just as I'm about to punch again, he grabs my wrist and knees me in the stomach, then roughly pushes me to the side and I crash against a metal counter, crumpling on the ground.

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