Chapter 8

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As we're making our way to Kronos, Spock speaks up.

"I am detecting a single life sign in the Ketha Province. Given the information provided by Mr. Scott, then this could be John Harrison."

"Mr. Sulu, think we've found our man. Let him know we mean business."

As we arrive at Kronos, Spock speaks up again.

"We arrive at Harrison's believed location in three minutes Captains. It's unlikely he will come willingly. I calculate the odds of him attempting to kill us 91.6%

"Fabulous." I say sarcastically.

"Good thing you don't care about dying." Uhura says.

There's a moments pause. "I'm sorry Lieutenant, I didn't hear what you said-"

"Oh I didn't say anything." Uhura says, then pauses. "Actually I'd be happy to speak if you are willing to listen to me."

"Guys-" Kirk starts.

"Lieutenant, I'd prefer to discuss this in private-"

"You prefer to not discuss this at all," Uhura starts.

"Christ, here we go..." I say quietly to Jim, leaning my head back and staring up at the low, dark gray, metal ceiling.

"You're telling me." Jim says quietly next to me.

"And I'm not the only one who's upset with you," Uhura continues. "The Captains are too."

"What? Wait-whoa..." I say.

"Don't get us involved! Don't drag us into this!" Jim says to Uhura, then speaks to Spock. "She is right."

"Jim." I nudge him in the arm with my elbow.

"Ow. What was that for?" He says to me.

"Don't get involved? Remember?" I say.

"Yeah, whatever..." Jim says reluctantly.

And I'm supposed to keep him in line? I've dealt with something like this before, but now this involves Spock and Uhura...

"A sentient beings optimal chance at maximizing their utility is a long and prosperous life." Spock continues.

"Not really a love song Spock." Kirk says.

"You misunderstand." Spock says. "It's true I chose to not to feel anything upon realizing that my own life was ending. As Admiral Pike was dying I joined with his consciousness, and experienced what he felt at the moment of us passing. Anger, confusion, loneliness, fear. I have experienced those feelings before. Multiplied exponentially on the day my planet was destroyed. Such a feeling I choose never to experience again. Nyota you mistake my choice not to feel as a reflection of my not caring. While I can assure you, the truth is precisely the opposite."

"That was deep." Jim mutters to me.

"You think?"

At that very moment, our shuttle is hit.

"What the hell was that?" Jim says.

"We're being pursued by a D4 Class Klingon vessel."

"Thought this sector was abandoned?" I say.

"It must be a random patrol." Uhura answers.

"Hold on!" Jim says, attempting to maneuver away from the Klingon vessel.

While Jim's handling that, I notice that we've lost connection with the Enterprise.

"Where the hell's the Enterprise?" Jim asks at that very moment.

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