Chapter 2

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When the three of us get inside the ship and recieve word that Spock's still in the volcano, we run onto the bridge.

"Do we have an open channel to Spock?" Jim asks Uhura.

"The heat's frying his comms but we still have contact."

"What happened up there?" I ask her.

"The cable we lowered him down with broke, and then the engine of our shuttle started overheating, we had to abandon it." Clearly she was freaking out about Spock.

"Spock?" Jim says.

"I have activated the device Captains. When the countdown is complete, the reaction should render the volcano inert."

"Yeah, that's gonna render him inert." Bones comments.

"Can we use transporters?" I ask Sulu.

"No Captain, not with these magentic fields."

"I need to beam Spock back to the ship, give me one way to do it." Kirk says.

"Maybe if we have a direct line of sight...?" Checkov suggests.

"No way! You're talkin' about an active volcano, Captains, if that thing erupts, I don't think we would be able to withstand the heat." Scotty objects.

"I don't know if we could maintain that kind of altitude." Sulu says.

"Captains, our shuttle was concealed by the ash cloud but the Enterprise is too large. If you utilize a rescue effort, it would be revealed to the indigenous species."

"Spock, nobody knows the rules better than you but there' gotta be an exception." Jim says.

"No. Such action violates the Prime Directive."

"Shut up Spock, we're trying to save you!" I say.

"Doctor, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."

"We're talking about your life!" I object.

"The rule cannot be broken under any circum..." Then Spock's voice breaks up and we loose contact with him.

"Try to get him back online." Jim orders Uhura.

She quickly moves to some of the controls in the back and frantically flips a couple of switches.

"What do you think Spock would do if I were in his place and him in mine?" I ask Bones.

"He'd let you die." Bones says, then looks at both Jim and I. "He'd let the both of you die."

"We're gonna save him anyways, get the ship over to the volcano and beam up Spock." Jim orders.

"Yes Captain."

The Enterprise rises from the ocean and I can't help but notice the natives looking at the ship, wondering what it is. The Enterprise flies through the sky over to the volcano, beaming up Spock just before the giant ice cube freezes all the volcano's magma.

I run over to the transporter room with Jim and Bones.

"Spock!" Jim and I say in unison, relieved to see Spock in his burnt lava-protective suit.

"You okay?" I ask.

"Captains, you let them see our ship." Spock says.

The three of us roll our eyes, typical Spock.

"He's fine." Bones says.

"Bridge to Captains Kirk and Adams." Uhura's voice sounds on one of the communicators.

"Yes Lieutenant?" Jim answers.

"Is Commander Spock on board?" Her panicked voice asks.

"Safely and sound." I answer.

I hear Uhura breathe a sigh of relief. "Please notify him that his device has successfully detonated." She says with a hint of irritation in her voice.

"Hear the Spock? You just saved the world." Kirk says.

"You violated the Prime Directive." Spock scolds.

"Aw come on Spock, they saw us, big deal." Kirk answers.

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