Chapter 13

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After a few terrorizing seconds, Sulu looks down at the screen in front of him.

"Their weapons are powered down Captains." Sulu informs us.

"Enterprise?" We hear Scotty's voice. "Can you hear me?"

"Scotty!" Jim and I yell, turning back to face the other ship.

"Guess what I found behind Jupiter?"

"You're on that ship!" Jim says, brightening.

"I snuck on it, and it seems that I've just committed an act of treason against a Starfleet Admiral, I'd really like to get off of this bloody ship! Now beam me out!"

"You're a miracle worker! W-we're a little low on power right now. Just standby!"

"What do you mean 'low on power'? What happened to the Enterprise?" He pauses. "Call you back." He adds hurriedly.

"Scotty!" Jim says.

I turn to Spock. "Our ship, how is she?"

"Our options are limited Captain, we cannot fire and we cannot flee."

I turn to Jim. "Hear that?"

"Loud and clear. There is one option though." JIm answers. "Uhura, when you get Scotty back, patch him through."

"Yes sir." Uhura answers.

Jim heads towards the elevator.

Wait a second...was he going to do what I think he's going to do?

"Spock, you have the comm." I say, quickly following Jim. Spock follows me and the three of us end up in the elevator.

"Captain, I strongly object." Spock says to Jim.

"To what? I haven't said anything yet."

"Since we cannot take the ship from the outside, the only way we can take it is from within. Since a large boarding party would be detected, it's optimum for you to take as fewer members of the crew as possible. You will meet resistance, requiring personell with advanced combat abilities and inate knowledge of the ship." Spock explains quickly. "This suggests you plan to align with Khan the very man we were sent here to destroy."

"Not aligning with him, using him." I say as we get off the elevator.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Jim says.

"An Arabic proverb attributed to a prince who was betrayed and decapitated by his own subjects." Spock answers.

"Stiil it's a hell of a quote."

"I will go with you, Captains." Spock says.

"Not Captains, just me Spock." Jim corrects. "Just me and Khan. I need you on the bridge as well."

"I'm coming too Jim." I speak up.

"No you're not!" He says to me.

"Yes I am."

"No. You're not."

"I'm not going to argue with you about this! Jim, I'm coming with you and Khan."

"What's the point of having two Captains, and both of them going off the ship in a situation like this?"

"There has never been a situation like this!" I point out.

"You're staying here. I need both you and Spock on the bridge."

"No, we need Spock on the bridge. We need me to come along with you and Khan."

"Why do you want to do this so bad?"

"Because he won't cooperate otherwise. You know this."

Jim looks into my eyes for a few seconds, thinking about it.

"Damn it..." He says. "Fine, you're coming too."

"I cannot allow you to do this." Spock stops Jim and I. "It is my function aboard this ship to advise the both of you on making the wisest decisions possible, something I firmly believe you are incapable of doing in this moment. You two-the Captains of the same ship are going onto an enemy's ship, where it is most likely the both of you will be killed, leaving us with no Captain."

"We've got you to replace us if we do get killed." I say.


"You're right! What we're about to do, it doesn't make any sense, it's not logical, it's a gut feeling!" He pauses. "The Enterprise and her crew needs someone in that chair who knows for sure what he's doing other than Natasha." He pauses for a second. "And that's not me. It's you, Spock." Jim walks away.

I look at Spock and he looks at me. I rest my hand on his shoulder and then walk away, following Jim.

"Tell me everything you know about that ship." Jim demands Khan.

Khan glances at me.

"Tell him." I order him, crossing my arms and leaning against the wall of the medbay.

Khan looks back at Jim. "Dreadnought Class. Two times the size, three times the speed. Advanced weaponry, modified for a minimal crew. Unlike most Federation vessels, it's built solely for combat."

"I will do everything I can to make you answer for what you did." Jim pauses. "But right now I need your help."

"In exchange for what?" Khan challenges.

"You said you'd do anything for your crew." I walk over so I'm standing right next to Jim in front of Khan, looking him in the eye. "I can guarantee their safety."

" can't even guarantee the safety of your own crew."

"Bones what are you doing with that tribble?" Jim breaks the silence.


Natasha had mastered the skill of glaring at someone and giving them a cold look, all the while the expression hardened. If looks could kill, Khan would dead instantly if he had super-blood or not. Natasha had also picked up the art of acting somewhat like Khan-the way she acted, talked, etc. and even her natural British accent helped her sound more like him.

It was too creepy for me, and whenever she was around him, she scared me. But when she wasn't around him, she was fine.

"The tribble's dead," Bones answers me. "I'm injecting Khan's platelets into the deceased tissue of a necrotic host. Khan's cells regenerate like nothing I've ever seen and I wanna know why."

"You coming with us, or not?" Natasha asks Khan.

But it clearly wasn't an option for Khan.

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