Chapter 3

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Pike had called Spock, Jim, and I to Starfleet HQ in San Francisco, and we weren't exactly sure why, but Jim had a guess which Spock and I were skeptical about.

"You guys, that's why he's calling us, I feel it." Jim says to us as we're walking to HQ.

"You 'feel' a lot things Jim." I say.

"And your feelings aside, I consider it highly unlikely that we will be selected for the new program." Spock replies to Jim.

"Aw, come on guys! Why else would Pike wanna see us? Forget the seniority, he gave us a newer ship and fleet! Who else are they going to send out? Think about it!"

"I can think of many possibilities." I say. "Besides, Jim, you're setting yourself up, what if we don't get selected? Don't set yourself up."

"I am not! I'm sure we're going to get it."

"Fine, your funeral."

"Five-year mission guys! Deep-space, uncharted territories, think how incredible that's gonna be." Then two women pass by us. "Hey ladies, Jim Kirk." He says, looking at them. He looks back at me and catches me rolling my eyes. "What's that for?"

"Nothing." I laugh a little at the end of my reply.

"Yeah right. Oh! Is somebody a little...jealous?" Jim nudges me in the elbow.

"What?!" I say, looking at him.

He raises his eyebrows and smiles. "Somebody interested in this?" He gestures to himself, clearly sarcastic.

I laugh. "You're stupid."

"Yeah, I know. Just messin' around!" He wraps and arm around my shoulder and pulls me in like usual.

"Course you are." I say with no emotion.

"But seriously, not interested?"

"Jim!" I scold, looking at him again.

"Sorry." He smiles.

"Yeah, whatever." I say sarcastically.


"Talking to yourself again? Jim haven't I told you before? You shouldn't do that all the time, you sound crazy." I say with sarcasm in my voice, smiling. Jim smiles back and laughs.

Spock looks at us. "You two are very interesting."

"Hey, we've known each other since we were nine, of course we're interesting!" I reply.

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