Chapter 11

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When Bones and Carol return to the Enterprise with the opened, deactivated torpedo, Jim, Spock, and I rush to med bay.

"Oh my God..." I comment, looking down at the man in the cryo-tube.

"What have we got?" Jim asks.

"It's quiet clever actually. This fuel container had been removed from the torpedo and retro fitted to hide this cry-tube." Carol explains.

"He alive?" Jim asks.

"He's alive, but if we try to revive him without the proper sequencing, it could kill him." Bones explains. "This technology is beyond me." He adds.

"How advanced, Doctor?" Spock asks.

"It's not advanced, that cryo-tube is ancient." Carol speaks up.

"We haven't needed to freeze anybody since we developed warp capability. Which explains the most interesting thing about our friend here," Bones gestures to the man in the cryo-tube. "He's 300 years old."

I look over at Jim. "Harrison." Is all I say, I know he'll understand what I'm saying.

Jim, Spock, and I rush over to the brig at Harrison's cell.

"Why is there a man in that torpedo?" Jim asks.


Harrison looks at Natasha. "Let me speak with Captain Adams."

"You are in no position to give orders." I say.

"Then I won't answer anything uness if Captain Adams stays in the brig with me for a little bit."

"Why?" I demand.

"Jim, it's fine." Natasha says. "If he'll answer questions and I'm in there, it's fine."

"He could easily harm you."

"He surrendered to us." She counters.

"That still doesn't make him-"

"Yeah, I know, but it'll be fine." She says. "I hope." Natasha adds, a little more quieter than before.

She takes the small hole in the glass and enlarges it enough for her to step in. Reluctantly, she steps through the opening and Spock closes it back up. Natasha walks past Harrison, giving him a cold look before sitting on a seat in the bright room.

"Go on." She says to him. "We're waiting. Tell us why there's a man in that torpedo."

"There are men and women in all those torpedos Captains, I put them there." Harrison answers.

Spock and I look at each other.

"Who are you?" I ask.

Harrison pauses before answers. "A remanant of the time long past. Genetically engineered to be superior, so as to lead others to peace in a world at war. We were condemned as criminals, forced in exile. For centuries we slept, hoping when we awoke things would be different. But, as a result of the destruction of Vulcan, your Starfleet began to aggressively search distant quadrants of space. My ship was found adrift, I alone was revived."

"I looked up John Harrison." I point out. "Up until a year ago he didn't exist."

"John Harrison was a fiction created the moment I was awoken by your Admiral Marcus to help him advance his cause, a smokescreen to conceal my true idenitity. My Khan."


Ooooo so dramatic!

I felt like adding a little more touch of drama to that chapter, just because.

The next chapter of this should be posted by tomorrow or on Saturday!


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