Chapter 4

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In Pike's office, he reads the report of our last mission.

"Uneventful." Pike reads.

"Admiral?" Jim asks.

"That's the way you described the survey in Nibiru in your Captain's log." He addresses Jim.

"Well, sir, I didn't wanna waste your time going over details."

"Yeah tell me more about this planet. Data says it was highly votatile, if it were to erupt it would wipe out the planet."

"Busted." I mutter under my breath to Jim, my voice quiet enough so Pike didn't notice.

"Let's hope it doesn't sir."

"Something tell me it won't." Pike says.

"Um...sir, volatile is all relative, maybe was a little off."

"Maybe it didn't erupt because Mr. Spock went and detonated a cold fusion device right after a civilization that's barely invented the wheel, happened to see a starship," Pike gestures with his hands, raising his voice. "Rise out of their ocean!" He looks at Spock. "That's how you describe it, is it not?"

"Busted." I mutter again to Jim.

"Shut up." He mutters back, then we both look at Spock.

"Admiral-" Spock starts.

"You filed the report?" Jim interupts. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I incorrectly assumed that you both would be truthful in your Captain's logs." Spock addresses both of us.

"Actually I didn't enter a Captain's log." I say. "Because I assumed that Jim might not step too far over the line." I address Jim on the last sentence.

"I would've been truthful if I didn't have to save your life." Jim says to Spock, clearly annoyed.

"A fact for which I'm immeasurably grateful and felt it necessary to take responsibility-"

"Responsibility." Jim says, then looks ahead. "Yeah, so noble Pointy, if you weren't throwing both of us under the bus."

"Both of you?" Spock asks us.

"Well we're both Captains!" Jim says. "We can both get in trouble for this!"

"Is Pointy a derrogative reference?" Spock asks Jim.

"Captain's, commander, Starfleet's mandate is to not interfere." Pike stands up from his chair, walking over to us.

"If the mission had gone according to plan, Admiral, the indigenous species would never have been aware of our interference." Spock explains.

"That's a technicality." Pike says, standing in front of Spock.

"I'm Vulcan sir, we embrace technicality."

"Are you giving me attitude Mr. Spock?"

"I'm expressing multiple attitudes simultaneously. To which are you referring?" Spock asks.

"Out. You're dismissed Commander."

When Spock shuts the door, Pike doesn't looks at us.

"Do you have any idea what a pain in the ass you both are?" Pike asks.

"Think so, sir." I answer.

"So tell me what you did wrong, what's the lesson to be learned here?"

"Never trust a Vulcan." Jim answers.

Pike walks over to Jim.

"Jim..." I mutter.

"You can't even answer the question. You lied, on an official report, you lied!" Pike says, then looks at me. "Step out for a second, Captain."

"Yes sir."

"I'll call you back in in a few minutes."

I walk out of the room and sit on a chair, waiting for at least a minute when Jim walks out, looking upset.

I get up from the chair and walk over to him.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I ask.

"You'll see." Jim says quietly, then walks away.

I walk into Pike's office. Pike is standing by the window, his back to me.

"Close the door."

I close the door and stand in the middle of the room. Pike walked over to me.

"You know, having two Captains of one ship in Starfleet was unheard of a few years ago? Now both you and Jim are Captains of the same ship and the only ones to have done that."

"Yes sir, I know."

"Do you know why I gave you two my ship?"

"I don't know, sir."

"Because I saw a greatness in the both of you. Now in Jim, I don't see an ounce of humility."

"What about me, sir?"

"You've got humility, you've got greatness in you, but you didn't stop Jim."


"Because of that mission, Starfleet has taken the ship away from you two and sending you back to the academy." He pauses as I take it all in. He walks back over to the window. "Do you know why I made you and Jim captains of the same ship?"

"No sir." He turns to look at me.

"For you to watch over him, remember? That was your job! And it's still your job to keep Jim from making stupid decisions that could get everyone in his command killed, to keep him in line! You two were supposed to watch over one another. You two think alike, except that you're more responsible than him, you're not as reckless as he is, and on that mission, you were supposed to stop Jim from carrying out that decision. That is why you two were Captains of the same ship."

"Yes sir." I say quietly.

"And also because you're my God-daughter." He says, kinder sounding this time.

"Yes sir." I repeat.

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