07-One Step Forward, Two Backward

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Emma would dart glances at Mike as he drove past the quiet road that is more compared to a desert because of its emptiness.

Good thing she thought of a shaded glass that cloaked her eyes making it unobvious to Mike each time she fix gazes at him in the middle of his words.

She scrutinised his features as he make statements and she watched as his Adam's apple bobs each time. Emma was so lost in admiring his perfectly chiseled face that she almost felt the urge to feel the smoothness of his face, but she knows better than to lose her self-restraint.

They are on the dusty road that leads to a cabin which was said to be owned by Sam's grandmother, and Sam now uses it as a studio for her rehearsals.

The place is almost deserted as it is nearly on the outskirt but Sam would still drive there twice or thrice in a week to meet her dance crew.

"Everything I do there feels perfect," she once told Emma.

And she could hide from the eyes of the world and do what she loves to do in peace.

Mike and Emma just left The Pearls, a renowned big store that trades in all kinds of jewellery. Emma had thought it was a bad idea when she concurred to his request.

She'd felt it was going to be nothing but awkward, but now she can't deny that she's loving every moment spent with him. And she could feel the intimacy that's beginning to burgeon, almost.

She would make some sappy joke, jest about some crude things and she adore the moment Mike would throw his head up and throw a long laughter at her not so funny ridicules.

For once, she can feel him closer to her heart.

The only time she felt this way was when he was in London, and they would stay up late at night to chat about random things. He told her so many things about him, like when he argued with his father because he never wanted to step in the same shoe as him.

He explained to her then how life was becoming so unbearable for him. How he really wishes to live a free life for once and don't have to dedicate his self to being a future CEO.

It was the pacifying words from that worked as an antidote, and soon, he was able to bear the burden. She remembered how she cause a smile on his face that night after the stress and frustration he's been through.

And then, he called her charm a placebo.

And now that he is back they drifted apart and it feels so much like what they experienced then never existed. She just wished he did not come back, and things is still the way it was between them.

It fled away like a fantasy that was not in the real world. Maybe all just a dream, and now she is awake to the frightful reality.

The reality that his eyes will always long for Sam, even though their heart might be connected and she will be the only one that can unravel that.

"But seriously, how do you cope with Sam. I mean, have you ever been able to solve the puzzle about her?" Mike started, causing Emma to jerk as she was so deep in reverie.

She took a long breath before she could come up with a word.

"You can be so funny Mike, Sam's not really difficult to catch up with, it just needs you getting close to her, and you'll realise that she is so simple and not some weird puzzle you're thinking," Emma explains as she viewed Sam in her image and her lips twitched in a light smile.

Mike opened his mouth to make a utterance but kept it close at the disappointment of not finding the right word. Would he really say he haven't known Sam enough? To him, he almost feels like he knows a lot about her and vice versa.

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