Princess Charming

651 16 13

Cynthia's POV



I hate that sound. Why can't the tune that alarm clocks make be something like... birds? oh right, inventors are dicks!

If that stupid alarm keeps going I'm going loose it! why won't it shut up!? Oh right, I need to turn it off.

I slammed my had down looking for the snooze button.

Ugh, where is that stupid button.

I can't take it anymore. I grabbed the plastic demon and threw it out my window. My bedrooms on the second floor so that should break it. Unless it grows wings and starts an alarm apocalypse? Na, probably not.

It's 7:30 I should probably get up. Yeah yeah five more minutes. Maybe...


"Cynthia rose Jenkins! Get your ass up NOW!!" That's what my sister actually said. But I heard 'get your Cynthia rose Jenkins ass NOW!'

"If you don't get up right now I will personally throw your phone out the window!"

No!! not my phone.

I quickly rushed down stairs and saw Anna staring at me with hatred in her eyes.

"Wait I dont have a phone."

"I know that. Now hurry up and get mine and Driss' Breakfast! Do you expect us to starve!?"

"No, sorry Anna."

I walked in the kitchen and grabbed two bowls filled with Cheerios and milk. Their favourite.

I turned around and was face to face with Tremaine, my step mum.

"Did you forget to feed them again?"

"There not pets, they can feed them selves!'

"Are you talking back to me?"

"Yeah that's kind of how communication works?"

"Look at you! I took you in after your father died and this is how you treat me? so ungrateful. I think your father just killed himself so he got away from you!"

She did not just say that!

I would have punched her but my watch would probably get sucked inside all of her face fat.

So instead I grabbed the bowls and threw the entire contents on her.

"Feed your daughters yourself!"

I ran up to my bedroom and slammed the door.

I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. I just wanted to get to school and away from her.

I opened up my cupboard and pulled out my school clothes. They were so boring that if a dog came in my room and shat on them they would look better.

I quickly got ready for school and brushed my hair.

I put my hand on my door handle but realised that Tremaine would be down there. So I turned to my window and opened it up.

I would probably fall but that would be better than walking past Tramaine and hearing her screams.

I started climbing down and heard a break sound.

I just ignored it and kept going.

I heard it again but this time it was louder. I heard it again but this time the price of wood I was holding gave way. It fell 180 degrees downwards but stopped.

Phew that was cloAAAHHHHH!

I put my hand an spider. I pulled my hand back to wipe the spider off but instead, I slipped...


I woke up today with a massive head ache. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 8:00. Shit!! I've only got 30 minutes to get ready.

I jumped up and got into my school clothes. The most boringest thing on the planet, not the 'boringest' is a word.

I skipped down stairs and must have looked totally gay.

I decided to skip breakfast today because of the rush I was in.

I looked on the couch and saw my dad passed out. He must have drank too much last night.

He's going to kill himself if he keeps doing that. Because my mum isn't here anymore, he's had this drinking issue. But now isn't the time to tell give you a pity story.

I ran out side to where my black camero was parked. I put my key in the ignition but it wouldn't start. Come on I'm already late!

I tried one more time and it roared to life. I put my foot down really hard onto the accelerator.

I passed a speed limit sign that said 50 but I was easily doing 100. It's not like there are any cops around.


I spoke too soon. I looked out of my rear view mirror and saw a white and blue police car following me.

I pulled over on the side of the road. I'm all ready late theirs no point in trying now.

I saw the police officer slowly start walking to my car. He looks like Paul blart from mall cop when he pulled over that old dude in the shops.




"Nothing. hello mark. What you doing this fine morning."

"Stop the small talk. This is the third time I've had to pull you over this week. I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to take your car"

"What!? I need to get to school!"

"Well you'll just have to walk won't you!"



I still can't believe this. Dad is gonna shit bricks!

I looked at a house that was further down the street.

I looked down at the ground and saw a smashed alarm clock.

Hmmm I wonder what happened?

I saw a girl start climbing out of her window in the same school uniform.

I flinched when I saw the wood she was holding on to snap.

I ran up to her when I heard her scream.

By now I was right underneath her.

I looked up and saw her falling straight down.


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