Chapter fifteen

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Julian's POV

I pulled out of the kiss and looked into her eyes. they were blue, but not they weren't the same.

"What are you looking at?" she said between laughs.


"Oh." she giggled.

I would have much preferred if it was someone else.

"Hey can I borrow your phone for a second?"

"Yeah of course." she handed me her phone, still giggling and laughing.

I dialled in Cynthia's number.

Why do I know her number of my heart? and why do I want to call her and tell her about finding Carly? I guess we'll never know.


"It was Carly!"

"I know, I was there about two seconds ago."

"Oh that's right."





She hung up on me.

"Who was that?"


"Why did you ring Cynthia?"

"I don't know."

"Whatever we need to go and tell the gang about us!"

"Wait... us?"

"Yeah, we're dating now, aren't we?"

"Yeah, oh coarse."


We told everyone to meet us at Burger King. Carly was treating it like she was telling everyone that she was pregnant.

Once everyone was inside, we sat down at a booth at the back. I sat next to Dylan because I didn't want Carly to squeal in my ear when she told everyone.

"Why are we here?"

"Order something and then we will tell you."

Everyone got what they usually got, which I could not be stuffed remembering.

"So can you tell us now?"

Carly looked at me with excitement in her eyes.

"You tell them Carly."

"Ok. well, me and Julian are... dating!"

Her and amber started to squeal in each others faces.

Dylan leaned over into my ear.

"Was she seriously the one that you've been looking for?"

"I'm not sure actually but I think she is. I mean she did meet me at the car park.

"Was there anyone else there though?"

"No. actually Cynthia was there."

"Well it could have been her?"

"No I asked her and she said it wasn't."

"And you believed her?"

"Well yeah."

Dylan looked at me like I was an idiot.

Who cares if it wasn't Carly. I'm almost positive that it was her.

Cynthia's POV

I pulled up at Nats house and saw her looking out of her window.

I walked inside her house and up to her room.

"How did it go?"

I told her everything that had happened.

"That bitch! she would do absolutely anything to get him wouldn't she!"

"Ya think!"

"I'm sorry, are you ok?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" she gave me a look that said 'are you serious?' "what! it's not like we were dating or anything!"

"True, but you liked him!"

"No I didn't! Nat I have an idea!"


"Well now that he thinks that he has found her, we can do the modelling thing!"

"Oh yeah I didn't think of that!" she grabbed her phone and dialled some random number.

"Hey I was just calling..." I didn't even bother listening to the rest I was just thinking about Julian. I know I don't like him so why am I feeling like this?

I felt a pull on my shoulder.



"We can do it!"

"Cool! when is it!?"

"Two days from now."

"I'm so excited!"

"Yeah and the guy said we will be shooting around midnight so try not to look tired!"

We just sat there talking about what we would do. button heart was only half in the conversation. I was think more about Carly and Julian.

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