Chapter eleven

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Julian's POV

I watched as she ran out of the door. I'd probably never find out who she was.

I just stood there with my face dropped. I completely forgot what I was doing.

I started to run for the door when someone grabbed my arm.


"What Dylan!"

"I did it!"

"Did what!"

"I asked out Nat, which lead to us kissing, which lead to her getting sick and her friend taking her home."

"That very interes... wait, did you say her friend took her home?"

"Yeah, I don't know which one though. at has millions of friends."

"Well that's useful!" I said sarcastically.

"Useful for what?"

"I met a girl." I said softly.


"Shut up!"

"Where is she? I wanna meet the lucky girl!"

"Well, that's a bit hard to explain."

"Go on."

"We were dancing and were about to kiss, I think, when Nat chess bed in the bathroom and she had to go. I was about to chase after her then you had to come and grab my arm!"


"Yeah, 'oops'!"

"Just see her at school on Monday."

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't know who she is!"

"Oh, right. she had a mask on!"

"Na shit Sherlock!"

"Well we'll just ask Nat who took her home."

"Fine, but if I've lost her, its your fault!"

"Come on, shell just hand herself over. any girl would be happy to be your lost love!"


I got to school today withy hopes very dim. I don't think I'll ever find her.

Dylan put up signs everywhere saying that I was trying to find her. I don't think that would work though. I had to give him a photo that I managed to take of her when she first walked into the party.

I walked over to where Dylan was standing.

"Hey, found her yet?"

"I've been at school for two seconds."

"Oh right. Well, did you dream about her?"



"What about Nat? Are you guys actually dating?"

"Yes I made sure of it this morning."

"Did you ask her about her friend?"

"Um, no?"

"Ugh you idiot." I pushed passed him and walked over to Nat.

"Hey Julian."

"Hey. Who took you home after the party?"

"What party?"

"My party."

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