Chapter one

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Cynthia's POV

I knew I fell but I didn't have a painful fall. Instead I landed on something squishy.

I got up to find out what I fell on. I was dumbfounded when I realised that I had fallen on Julian Lassin which is now rubbing his temples.

"Shit! you ok?"

"I spose?"

"Did I fall on you?"

"No I magically got put here under you."

Geez, I was just asking a question no need to be rude about it.

"Well excuse me for trying."

"Trying to do what exactly? kill me?"

"Calm down, you obviously saw me climbing out of my window you didn't need to stand under me!"

"I'm already late I don't need this!"

I grabbed my stuff and stormed off down the road. I turned back to see Julian staring at me.


When I got to school I walked into the office to explain why I was late. But I left out the part of almost killing Julian.

I looked up at the clock.

Crap, I'm an hour late.

I ran down the corridor and into my class room. I opened the door and felt every single pair of eyes on me.

I flashed them all a cheesy smile and sat down at my chair in the second to last row.
I turned around to find that Julian wasn't here yet.

"Uh hum." coughed Mr. Lang "As most of you young ladies would have noticed by now, mr Lassin isn't here today."

All of the girls, even some guys, started 'awing'. When I saw all of the girls I do mean except me.

"Awe but why?" said some blonde bimbo in the background.

"He called in this morning and said that he broke his leg trying to save a young mother and her baby from a speeding truck."

Phe that's not what I'd call it.

"He is soooo brave!" said that bimbo again with a voice so high pitched, that I think my ears started bleeding.

"You guys believe that bull?"

"Hey! he's a kind hearted gentleman and you should cut him some slack!"

"Hmp sure sure."


10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 BEEEEEEEEPPPPPPPPPP

Yes the bell! I can stop listening to the cries from the girls like 'Awe Julian must be in so much pain!' 'Awe but I styled my hair this way for him to day and he won't get to see it!' 'bla bla bla blaaaa!'

I felt like turning around and saying 'no one gives a damn! it's not like Julian is going to like someone with oranges glued to their chests!'

I turned the corner and barged into the cafeteria.

I got a few weird glances but I brushed them off.

I'm not 'popular' or anything but people just don't tease me.

I caught up to my friends and joined them in the food line.

"Hey Cindy! wow what's wrong with your hair? it looks like you fell out of your window!"

"You don't say!"

"What happened this morning?"

"Nothing just the usual."

"Uh ha, sure."

After grabbing our food we sat down at our usual table, along with James, Natasha and Byron.

"Hey J, Nat and... What should your nickname be Byron?"

"I don't know."

"If you don't give me an answer Ill just give you a retarded nickname."

"See if I care."

"Fine then, ronny."

"You wouldn't."

"Oh I would."

He picked up his dip and threw it at me, but luckily I have fast reflexes and dodged it. But the person standing behind me wasn't so lucky. I turned around to see the victim.

"Who threw that! you did didn't you!" Said a shocked Carly.

"Phe no." I said sarcastically.

"This is a new outfit!"

"Correction, it was a new outfit."

"Correction, you are a loser."

"Oooh burn!"

"Your just jealous because I'm popular and your not."

"I couldn't care less."

She opened her mouth to say something but got cut off by the bell.

"Well as much as I'm enjoying this loving conversation I have better things to do."

I just simply walked out of the door like nothing happened. Because, as you might have noticed, nothing did.


Hey guys! I just want to give you the heads up that I can't write really long chapters. Oh and that most of the time I write u instead of you. I've read through it and tried to fix as many as I can but I can't get all of them.

Can someone please make a cover for this story. If you're interested then talk to me on either:

Kik: __peta__
Instagram: peta321
Snapchat: peta987

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