Chapter seven

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Cynthia's POV



"What about this dress?"


"Why not?"

"Because its too frilly. Julian likes slim skinny dresses."

"But your not slim, or skinny."

"Ugh just keep looking."

"Fine, your majesty."

We've been trying to find a dress for Anna and Driss for hours now. I find a really one but no, it's too frilly or too loose.

I've also been trying to find one, but there aren't any pretty dresses.

"I've found my dress!"

"Show me Driss."

"No, Cynthia, you'll probably steel it!"

"Just show me!"





"Cindy, I'm blood related to Anna, I can go on like this."

"Ye... good point."

"Hey!" we both looked aged at Anna who was standing there listening to us. "Driss, at least show me your dress."

They started doing their stupid little giggle. I do blow they realise that I'm gonna see it when I'm paying for it!

"I think I've found my dress!" Anna showed Driss her dress and they started giggling again.

"Come on Cynthia, let's gooo!" said Anna, dragging on the go.

"But I haven't found my..." Shit I almost said it.

"What was that?"


"I know it was something, so say it!"

"I haven't bought my new phone yet." this technically wasn't a lie.

"I hope you're not planning on going to Julian's party. Actually, you're not allowed."

"Why not?"

"Because I said so."

"You don't decide when and where I go or what I do! ill make that decision myself."

"Well you may think that, but mum has banned you from the house for that night."

"What!? where am I supposed to go then?"

"Don't know, don't care. go to that girls place, what's her name? bat sat fa.."


"Whatever, go to her place. We don't need you. now pay for our dresses."


"Excuse me?"

"No. you don't need me, lay for them yourself." I turned around and started browsing around at the phones. I picked one up that I'd had my eye on for I while and yet to pay for it.

I'm going to that party, whether they like it or not

Julian's POV

so far 130 people are coming to my party.

I need to get a suit. I'm probably just going to use one of my dads.



"I need to borrow a suit."

"Well go look for one, wait, why do you need a suit?"

"I'm having a party."

"That doesn't explain why you're wearing a suit. I thought that at your parties, your wear the least amount of clothes you can."

"No, I'm having a theme this year."

"What's the theme?"


"No seriously, what's your theme?"

"I just told you. masquerade."

"Why are you having that theme?"

"Someone suggested it."

"Ok your downfall."

I walked up to dads room and opened his cupboard to be drowned with suits. They all fell on me. I wouldn't be surprised if we found a dead dog in here.

I flicked through all of the suits.

I just wanted a normal black suit. All of them seemed to be green, grey or stripy.

I picked up one that was perfect. It was completely black. It stilled looked new so no one should noticed it was my dads.

I'm not sure if I'm excited for my party, or not.

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