8th Grade Graduation

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Me: *wakes up and cheers loudly and gets ready and then runs down the stairs* Last day of school AND graduation!

All the slashers: Yeah!!!

All the slashers surrounded me and congratulate me and hug me.

Freddy: *high fives me* Last day of 8th grade.

Me: *nods*

Norman: You don't want to be late. *grabs my bag and pushes me to the door*

Me: Bye. Be back around 3 to get ready. *high fives Freddy, hugs Thomas, fist bumps Ghostface*

Norman: Have a fun last day!

Jason: *hugs me tightly*

Michael: *boops my nose with his right pointing finger*

Me: *blushes and giggles* *waves good bye*

When Mia left, all the slashers turn their heads to Michael.

Jason: Do you like Mia?

Michael: *blushes underneath his mask* What makes you say that?

Ghostface: Come on. Is it that obvious? You broke into her house on Halloween night and tickled her.

Freddy: You sat next to her at her concert.

Thomas: You were shy when you were introducing yourself to her.

Jason: And now you just booped her nose playfully.

Michael: *blushes* Maybe I do like her.

Norman: Then tell her. Honestly, I think she likes you too.

Michael: *flushes dark red then nods* Then I will tell after graduation as a double amazing thing happening to her.

Jason: *nods* That's it Myers!


After getting ready, I headed to my school.

(This is my graduation dress) ♡♡ ;D

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(This is my graduation dress) ♡♡ ;D

At graduation, our choir performed for the final time; we performed (I Had) The Time of My Life.  After the ceremony, I took a lot of pictures. 


When I walked into the Myers house, all the slashers surrounded me. 

Freddy:  Congrants!  *gives me a shake and laughs*

Leatherface:  Great job Mia! *gives me a high five*

Ghostface:  Congrats high schooler! *traps me in a tight hug*

Norman:  Good job!  *gives me flowers*

Jason:  Congratulations! *picks me up and spins me around*

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