A normal day

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No one's POV

"Come on F/N! Let's play!" It was a normal day as Amaya kicked the ball into the air. F/N, Amaya, Conor and Greg were playing soccer on the soccer field. It was noon as the children played, both teams had 2 points. It was boy versus girls. "Amaya!" F/N kicks the ball to Amaya.

"I got it!" She caught it and takes the shot, and.... scores! "Alright! We won!"
F/N and Amaya high fives as the boys walk up to them.

"Wow, good job guys!"

"You totally got us!"

"Uh-huh, which proves my point! Girls are better than boys!"

"Yeah they are!" Greg and Conor ignored what their friend said.

"So how about we go to the museum now?"



"Awwww yeah!" F/N grabs the ball and they walk to the museum. The group soon arrives and enters the museum. "So what do you guys wanna see?"

"The new artifact! They found a new one recently and put it up in the science exhibit! I don't know what it is but I'm very excited and curious about it!"

"Wow F/N, you must be excited!"

"Yeah, your enthusiasm me excited too!"

"Then let's go!" They all go into the science exhibit and look around. Amaya notices a poster, it said:

"Come take a look at the new artifact!
It's upstairs to the left!"

"Guys I found the poster! It's upstairs! Come on!" The children run upstairs and follow the owl-lover to the new artifact. They arrive and look at the glass case to see nothing. "It's gone!"

"What the..?!

"How? It's a new artifact!"

"I was really looking forward to see it and this is what happens?!?!? Great...." It was empty and the only trace of the item was footprints, ninja footprints to be exact. "Guys, look, ninja footprints." F/N points to the tracks left to the culprits.

"Ninjalino footprints to be more exact."

"Then it looks like Nightninja must be up to something." F/N notices a information plate on the display case and starts reading it.


"And it doesn't seem good."

"Yeah, you guys got to stop him according to this plate, it has legendary ability to grant power of some sort. I don't know what but it can't be good."

"That definitely requires us now."

"Then it's settled, Pj masks we're on our way." The other two join and fist pumped as F/N watched. She knew about their alter egos, the Pj masks. They were super close friends so the trio told her and F/N was fangirling. They promised not to tell anyone but did watch them fight crime, though the trio didn't know that. It was obviously dangerous but she still wanted to watch as they kicked butt.

"Into the night to save the day!"

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