Nighttime battle

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No ones POV
Nighttime has fallen over the city as it was time for the trio to transform.

"Alright, let's find this naughty ninja and put the artifact back where it belongs!"

"Definitely! To Gekko mobile!" Swiping, Owlette hits the gecko icon and they enter their elevator. They go down to Gekko's floor and jump into the Gekko mobile. They buckle up and Gekko swipes the energizer. The mobile goes under water and swims from under their headquarters. Jumping into the air, it changes into land form and drives off in the city. "Cat Ears!" Catboy hears a boy's voice and gibberish afterwards.

"Come Ninjalinos!" He turns them off and looks at his team.

"I heard Ninja and his ninjalinos. It sounds like it's coming from above. Ok Owlette, use your Owl Eyes to spot them!"

"You got it Catboy! Owl Eyes!" She looks around until she spots a few ninjalinos jumping building to building on the left side of the vehicle. "There! They're above us to the left." She points to where she sees them.

"Alright, Gekko follow them!"

"Ok, hang on! Gekko Mobile Camouflage!" He presses 2 buttons and the super vehicle turns invisible then climbs on the building. "Here we go." On top, they follow the ninjas till they reach the one and only, Nightninja.

"Muhahahahahahaha!!! Now with this ninja artifact, I can finally be granted ancient power! And once I have ancient power, I can do whatever I want! Starting with making others do what I want and making me their idol!"
The ninja laughs evilly as the super heros gasp.

"My cat's whiskers!"

"Fluttering feathers!"

"Gasping Gekkos! If he actually gains any ancient power, he'll definitely be able to make anyone do what he wants."

"Well not on my watch! Let's go and take down this ninja!"

"Heck yeah!" They unbuckle as they jump out of the vehicle, revealing their presence and the mobile's.

"Stop right there Nightninja! You aren't going to be gaining any ancient power today!"

"What?!? Ninjalinos, get these Pj pests!"


I stared out my window in the window seal that revealed the shimmering night sky. Sighing, I thought about being an F/O (occupation) until I see 3 glowing streaks in the sky. "Time to go!" I grab my sach and climb down the window using the rope I tied to a pole.

I reach the bottom and walk out from my backyard and starts walking towards cityhall. Usually once I get there, I'll be able to tell where to go to see the action. Jogging, I reach cityhall and look around to see figures hopping building to building.

"There you are." I follow from a far and out of sight silently. Following ninjalinos makes it easier for me to watch a nighttime battle unravel between a villain and the Pj masks!

Soon, they stop at a building that had more of them and another that stood out from the rest. It was obviously the one and only Nightninja.

I ran to the other side and found a fire escape. Running up it, I reach the top and and hide behind it to see that the Pj masks were already there. Looks like I made it just in time for the battle. "Stop right there Nightninja! You aren't going to be gaining any ancient power today!"

"What?!? Ninjalinos, get these Pj pests!" Now here comes the epic battle! His minions jump at the three saying worlds in gibberish. Owlette flies up and shouts. "Owl wing wind!" She blows a gust of wind at the Ninjalinos causing them to be blown away.

"Super cat speed!" Catboy runs towards Nightninja and yanks the artifact out of his hand; which was a dagger that had a base of gold and blade of amber. It looks soooooooo cool! Like come on! Who wouldn't be amazed by this! Either way, I can't wait to get a close up look when it's returned. "Thanks for giving me back the artifact that's actually a legendary dagger. Which looks super cool!" Told ya! No one can resist!

"Hey! Give me my dagger back you pussy cat! And duh, who wouldn't be amazed!" Even the villain agrees!

"Well thanks anyway, we'll take our leave."

"No you won't 'take your leave'!Especially when you're sticky splat stuck!" He throws some some orange ball thing but Owlette uses her wind powers again. It causes the sticky splats to blow right back at Nightninja, which he dodges gracefully. Sure, he's a villain but that doesn't mean I can't compliment him. So yeah and he reaches for more sticky splat thingys but finds none. "Wait what?!? I had more!"

"Well not any more!" The ones Nightninja was looking fire were in the air until Gekko turned off his camouflage to reveal he took them. He throws them off the building and walks over to the rest of the team. "It looks like we beat you and stopped you from getting any ancient power from this dagger Nightninja! Time to return this back to the museum!"

"Fine! You Pj monkeys will pay! I will win next time! Ninjalinos!" He jumps away while his minions followed behind.

"Time to get this artifact back to the museum Catboy! F/N will be very happy to see it, just like all the other kids!"


"Pj masks we all shoot hurray! Because in the night we save the day!" They get into the lizard-themed vehicle and drive back to the museum I presume. Well that was definitely amazing but it's time for bed. I go back down the fire escape and start walking home until I see a little ninja in front of me. Then all of a sudden, I'm completely surrounded by ninjas. Oh no.

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