An unexpected turn

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The only ones that could save me had fleed the scene to return the artifact and go back to bed. While they were doing that, I was trapped. "Well well well, what do we have here?"

"U-Um....." I'm completely surrounded....... Crap.

"Ninjalinos! Gr-"

"No way!" I shoved the little ninja minions out of my way and I ran. I ran as fast as I could to get back home or at least till I could out maneuver them. Not looking back, I kept going through alleyways to get them off my track.

I continued to until I felt my foot get completely attached to the ground and almost fell. Looking down, I saw in horror that one of them sticky splat stuck my foot to the floor. I struggled and tried to get unstuck but notice the ninjas above and behind me were coming towards me.

I was panicking while freeing my foot and my supposed "enemy" gets closer. "Oh no...!!! oh no oh no oh no....!!!" Finally, after a million years and the villain catching up to me I was free. And I ran but before I could get at to the other side of the road, I was pushed to the ground and pin there on my stomach.

I let out a scream and struggled like no tomorrow! "Good job Ninjalinos! Bring her back to the hideout!"

"What?!? No! No no no!! Let me go!!" Suddenly, I get picked up and thrown into a crate. I didn't even get to react when they closed it shut and carry me away....... No..... No..... No...... I felt hot burning tears burn stream down my face.

Choose wisely, your actions affects the story as it goes on. Once you pick one, stay with it and remember it. Read the response for your choose and keep reading the story.
A. You gathered the strength and try to get out of the box

B. You sit and cry

C. You sit and look around

D. You yell out for help

Response A
You bang on the box and try to fight your way out of your confinement. The box falls down causing you to stop struggling until it gets picked back up again. Nightninja notices your fiery and feistiness.

Response B
The Ninjalinos carrying the box hears and feels bad. They wish they could do something and hope to make up for it. Nightninja notices your silence.

Response C
The Ninjalinos carrying the box feel content and try to make the ride comfortable as possible. Nightninja notices your obedience and silence.

Response D
The Ninjalinos carrying the box don't get fazed nor annoyed. They understood and were fine with it. The minions tried to make the ride as comfortable as possible. You hear Nightninja voice and soon something bangs on the box. You go silent. Nightninja notices your voice and determination.


No one's POV
F/N were sitting in the crate peacefully until it was set on the floor. Not knowing what to think, she scoot closer into the corner. The panel keeping her confinement closed opens and the eyes of Ninjalinos look at her. They hear footstep and back away. F/N realize it was Nightninja and he stares at her. Offering his hand, she look at it but don't know how to react to it.

"Hmmmm..... Take her to a room and lock her in it." The villain moves back as the panel closes again and the box is lifted. It looks like, tonight has taken a very unexpected turn....

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