Falling (in love)

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2nd POV
You were still out and about in nature.

If you chose E2
The path had stopped at the top of the hill where the ground was rock. The rock was smooth and cool as the wind blew. You hear rustling all around.

If you chose F2
You found 2-8 markings on the map. When you were on your way to the 3 one, you heard noises. You put away the map in your backpack you found with the other items and look around until a Ninjalino lands in front of you. They was happy to find to finally find you and wave you to follow. Since the other Ninjalinos are probably worried sick about you, you follow.

You arrive at a top of the hill where the ground was rock. It was smooth and cool as the wind blew. The Ninjalino had vanished. You hear rustling all around you.


What the heck?!? What is that! This was a bad idea! Now I might die from this! I turn around and from the bush in front of me, something jumps out at me. HOLY -

This effects what you do
A3. You grab a branch that was next to you and use as a baseball bat
B3. You scream
C3. You run away

If you chose A2
You use your hand-to-hand combat (AKA, martial arts) by kicking it away and ready to battle it until you see it was a Ninjalino. You aid them and apologize. They somehow understood and was fine with it. Happy, they hugs you.

A3 Response
You wack what ever they jumped out at you hard and was about to do it again when you see that it was a Ninjalino. Dropping the branch, you aid them and apologize. They somehow understood and was fine with it. Happy, they hugs you.

B3 Response
You scream in terror as you dodge it. It was a Ninjalino that looked worried and try to calm you down. You relax and they apologize. You forgive them.

C3 Response
You run away from it until a line of Ninjalinos blocks your escape. You turn around to see what jumped out was a Ninjalino. You relax and take a breath.


The next I know, I was blindfolded and picked up by a group of Ninjalinos. "H-Hey!!" You struggle as they take you to an unknown area.

15 minutes later
It has been 15 minutes ever since I've been blindfolded and carried to somewhere. I felt a sudden stop and I was placed on a pillow of some sort. Rustling, footsteps, yelling, from what I can tell and gibberish was all around me.

All I can see is darkness until someone takes it off and I blink to adjust to the lighting. After blinking, I look around to see lanterns around trees and Ninjalinos all around. Above was an ornament supported by a silver string shimmering in the stars and moon in the night. "Woah...." Being the person who I am, or anyone, I was amazed.

"Amazing isn't it?" I turn towards the voice who belongs to Nightninja. His eyes were close and seems to be on his knees. A stone table is what was between us. It had a blanket on it with a kettle and 2 cups. Also, a bowl of sugar and plates holding 2 slices of cake sat there. The smell of chocolate, strawberry and vanilla filled the area; I was intrigued and hungry.

My stomach growls, LOUDLY. Everyone somehow heard it and I blush in embarrassment as I look down. The ninja before me chuckles softly. "And hungry too?"


"Well F/N, this is an ancient place that I found as a child.... It's.... It's my home I go to when I needed peace, serenity, joy or lunch... And now, I share it with you..." Woah.... I feel like this is getting deep and- Wait.... Why did he tell me about this place, or better yet, take me to this place. "Why did you tell me about this place, or even take me to it?"

"Because I thought.... After what you've been through.... You would need this... Peace. Serenity. Joy. Astonishment. And finally," He pours the tea in the kettle into my cup. "Lunch." I suddenly felt tingly. What is this feeling? Is it..... What I think it is? I-I don't know.... But whatever it is, ............ I like it....

I smile at his generosity.... Which I never knew he really had. "Thank you.... I actually think we both need this...." We sit there and stare at each other until we look away. Honestly, I don't know what got into us. For the rest of the evening, we ate, drink and talked until he gets up and walk over to me. "Let's go back, you must be tired and worn out."


Nightninja POV
I extent my hand towards F/N, who stares at me then it. It was kinda.... adorable... Wait what?!? What am I saying?!? She's... She's.... She's.... beautiful.... - I-I MEAN! UGHHHH!!! My cheeks heaten up and I wait for her response. She accepts my hand and I help her up then we walk back to the dojo-hideout. The Ninjalinos followed of course, since they don't really have a choice.

Though... Her hand... her hand is soft, and smooth. It's like a peach... Wait... Am I... No... Do I.... Do I have feelings for her? N-NO WAY! I'll have to wait and see if I actually have these "feelings" towards her. We reach home and I take her to her room. "Thanks..."

"You're welcome. You needed fresh air anyways." She smiles and closes the door. I lock it and leave to my room. This will be an interesting week....

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