On her trail

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No one's POV
The Pj masks were flying in the Owl Glider heading east where the mountains are, looking for kidnapped friend. "Owl Eyes!" Owlette looks over the flying vehicle and looks around. She spots more footprints. "Keep going west Gekko!"

"You got it!" They continue to head west towards the mountains. As they continue to head towards the mountain, fog begins to form. "Woah... It's getting very foggy."

"Yeah, I can barely see, even with my Owl Eyes."

"Turn on the hightbeam, we'll be able to navigate through this fog."

"Ok Catboy, turning on Owl beams!" He presses the button that turns on the highbeams on the Owl Glider. Some of the fog disappear but there was still lots of it there. "Oh no.... The Owl Beams don't have much of an effect on this fog... I can't navigate through this."

"And I can't find any footprints."

"Then take us back Gekko, we'll come back when it isn't so foggy."

"Alright." They turn around and go back to HQ.


Catboy's POV
We reach HQ as the owl door opens and Gekko lands inside. The cover opens up and we get out. Looks like we couldn't reach F/N and save her. We go down the elevator and we walk to the center of my level. The Pj picture player appears and I scoll through the buttons. "Guys we have to get F/N! We don't know what Nightninja might be doing to her! He might try to get information out of her!" If he does try to get information out of him, he might be able to target us and we'll be in danger. And I can't let that happen.

"I know! And besides, I bet she's scared! We have to act fast!" I say as I continue to scroll through the scroller. 

"Though, how are we going to navigate through the fog there? If the high beams aren't working, then how?"

"Maybe we can go by foot, if I'm closer to the ground, I could still track him."
Owlette was always the one that is caring and will comfort anyone. She can be an amazing hero that flies through the night with brains on her side. But she can also be sassy, which is something I also take interest in.

I press a button and some texts appear with a picture. I read it and tap the Pj ppp, causing it to disappear.

"That is a good idea but we need to be faster and more efficient. And make it easier to get in and out."

"Then what do you suggest Catboy?"

"We wait til Friday night. It says here that the fog will clear up by Friday so it'll be easier to access." I'm very confident that the fog will at least be navigable and we'll be able to bust in and save F/N.

"Friday?!?? But that's 4 days from now! F/N could be hurt, or terrified or something by now!"

"We know Owlette but it's better if we wait then go in blind." She sighs and nods, like I said, she's worried sick about F/N, just like I'm worried about everyone else.

I really hope she'll be ok and this plan will work out... Being stressed out about a friend is the worse thing in world, especially when you have something for that person. "Well I think it's time to call it a night, right guys?" Owlette nods again.

"Yep," Gekko yawns and stretches. "definitely." I nod at him and we detransform.

I look out the window and see the others do the same. We wave and closes our windows. Crawling into my bed, I tuck myself in and sigh. "Man... what a night... Maybe in the morning I could do something to cheer Amaya and Greg up...." I drift off to sleep.


Greg POV
I wake as I sit up slowly in my bed yawning and stretching. "Morning Lynel." My pet wakes up and stretches too.

"Morning Greg. The mission wasn't successful?"I get up and grab his breackfast and put it in his tank. Scratching my head, I respond to his question nervously.

"Not exactly." 

"Do tell." I walk over to my drawer and pick out my usual clothes.

"Well we got a lead where F/N was."

"Great, then why was it unsuccessful?" I start putting on my daytime pants.

"Well.. we almost were successful-"

"Chose your words carefully Greg." I sigh and put on my shirt and hoodie.

"Fine, we were partly-successful. Only problem was the fog at the mountain."

"I see... Well what is the plan?"

"Well the plan is to wait it out and go back when it's less foggy." I grab my backpack and put it on.

"When is that?"

"Friday, according to Conor." I open my door.

"Hmmmm.... Alright Greg, have nice day."

"Thanks, bye Lynel." I go downstairs and eat breakfast, silently. I was always the silent and nervous type according to others, including my family. I was conscious of it but didn't really... do much about it. I'm an introvert and it takes a lot for me to make friends or do something on stage.... But being who I am have it's perks ya know.

I finish my breakfast, cereal and orange juice. I shout goodbye to my parents and leave to the bus stop. It's such a peaceful and beautiful morning. I continue to walk towards my bus stop when Amaya and Conor yell out to me. "Hey Greg!"

"Hello Greg!"

"Hi guys! Ready for school?"

"Yeah, but I have a treat for you two!" Conor grabs 2 canteens from his backpack, one red and another is green. I wonder if there's something inside... "Here ya go!" We take our little treats.

"Thanks Conor!"

"Thank you!"

"Now try to drink out of them!" We exchange glances, we were both confused. Amya and I shrug then try to take a sip. It felt like stars formed in or eyes. What ever that was inside was DELICIOUS! "Woah!!!"

"Conor what is this stuff!"

"Well Greg, it's my treat for you guys! Now come on, we don't want to be late to school!"

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