Shedding a little light

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"I'm not staying here! I can't! And I won't!!! Especially since I was kidnapped by a villain!"

"Well you don't have a choice. Get use to it." He leaves without another word and moves the mask back over his mouth. The 3 Ninjalinos come over to me as I just sat in shock. They felt sorry and took me back to my room.

As soon as I got in, I fall to the ground and cry. The Ninjalinos left me to weep and closed the door. I held the pillow I had and cried into it. S-So now... I-I'm his prisoner... f-forever.... G-Great.... P-Perfect... I-I'm never g-going to be f-free again and s-see my family e-ever again. W-Why.... W-Why..... W-Why.....


Nightninja's POV
I was in my room when the Ninjalinos entered. They were angry, they glared at me. I knew why, and they knew I knew. "Look, I'm sorry ok!?! We can't let her go!" One steps up and speaks up, in gibberish obviously.

Somehow I can understand their gibberish language, I don't know how but I do. Sometimes it's shocking and sometimes it good; but then again, at times I can't translate their words.
"And?!?! Who cares! She'll get over it!" Another one sets up and speak.

"Say sorry? For what?" They reply. The Ninjalinos can be difficult at times, sometimes infuriating and annoying, though I still care for them. No even if they betray me.... I sigh.

"Uh, fine I will but later." They nod and their glares turn into eyes full of gratefulness. "Yeah, yeah, I know, I know, I'm the best." They hug me happily and under my mask I smile. Hugging back, they snuggle closer to me. I hold in my laughter. "Ninjalinos I need you to tell the rest to prepare for an special event!" The hop into a line and bow then flip away.

I was always hard on them, but the truth is that I do it to toughen them up. Make them strong and able to push over their limits.... Even when I'm not there.....


No one's POV
It was 12:00 am, midnight. F/N was in her room, in the box she had been carried in and breathing softly. She obly make a sound when she was stifling. Though, during that silence, she thought about her life. "I wish... I could of said goodbye one more time."

After that thought, her door opens. The girl didn't bother getting up, she just sat there quietly. Whispers of gibberish could be heard; instantly, she knew who it was. It was the Ninjalinos. The ninja minions walks around a bit until they found her in the box. They looked sad and try to cheer her up.

Music plays, causing her to stand up to see the Ninjalinos start dancing to it. They form a tower of three to top off their little dance but shortly afterwards, falls parts. F/N laughs softly and walks over to the Ninjalinos then hug them. They hug back happily and give her a jacket and flashlight.

They scurry over to the door and motion her to follow. Of course, she follows the ninjas all the way til they reach outside. Before her is a candle-lit path with the view of mountains in the distance. "Woah......" The 3 were happy about her astonishment. The motion her to continue to follow and they go down the path.

A cool breeze blows across her and the mounts. F/N shivers slightly and puts on her jacket. The girl turns on her flashlight and goes down the mountain path. "Hey! Wait up!" Chasing after the Ninjalinos, she tries to catch up to the little ninja minions and be carefully.

She trips over a rock and starts rolling down the mountain's path until she lands in grass. Groaning, she sits up and shakes her head. Something lands on her nose, it was bright and small. It was a firefly lighting up the night. The field she rolled into was filled with the lightning bugs. "Woah....." Unlike the rest it was softer and small, though it was brighter too.

The firefly that landed on her nose starts flying away. The girl of H/C hair follows the insect. It wasn't a trance or anything, she could of easily abandoned it if she wanted to. She just felt a calling to follow it. It flies, she follows, until they reach another cliff. She notices something in the distance.

This choice affects where you go.
E2. Let the firefly show you what it wants
F2. Take a look at what's in the distance

E2 Response
You decide it could be an animal or something so you follow the firefly. It reveals that there was a rope going down that leads back to the path.

You smile at the firefly and go down the rope. You follow the path with the firefly following you.

F2 Response
You decide to check it out while the firefly follows you. You see that it was a chest. Opening, it reveals a pouch and a map. You take the items and closes the chest. You take a look at the map to see that it was a map of the mountains. There was marked places on it, so you decide to go see them out.

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