Wait, what?!? No!!!

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No one's POV
It was afternoon when F/N was reading  a book from the bookcase. It was about a ninja superhero fighting baddies using the power of martial arts. During the morning she had the tray of food  and looked around. The girl stops reading and closes the book then sighs. "This suck...."

Choose, this will effect only what you know.
A2. Continues reading.
B2. Try to open the door.
C2. Try to open the balcony door.
D2. Look around to see if there's another entrance.

Response A2
You continue reading the book and learn about some martial arts; including History, Moves and Usage. You also learn how to escape things and create distractions.

Response B2
You try opening the door regularly but obviously it didn't work. You look through the tapestries to see that there is a alarm system on the door and a vent outside too.

Response C2
You try the regular way of opening the balcony door and it was obviously locked. You look around and find a plank. Using the plank, you try to bust the bust the lock and it worked. You slide the door open and look at the view. It's was impressive but it was a long way down.

Response D2
You find a vent on the ceiling above the bookshelf. You flip and move the crate over to the bookshelf. Climbing on it, you climb on the bookshelf next and try to open the vent but fails. The cover  had 4 screws keeping it closed. You try to remove the screws but they didn't come out. You get down from the shelf and climb down the crate. Looks like you need a tool or at least a coin.


Looks like I have some requirements if I wanna escape. Hearing something, I stay still and listen until I hear it again. It was my tummy growling quietly and softly. I pat it. "Hang in there Tum-tum. We'll get food soon...." I wonder if they'll give me dinner too.... From the lighting I see, it's probably sunset. I sit down, look at the ninja book then sigh.

I bet my parents and the others are worried about me..... I miss them.... Even though it's only been a day....I look at the book again and hold it closer in my hands. "Hmmmmm......." Then something clicked in my mind.
"That's it." That's it. I had a feeling this was connected to Nightninja. Nightninja wants to be JUST like the ninja in this book. He wants to be the best at everything. He wants to be perfect. He wants to be THE BEST.

No wonder he's the way he is, whoever raised him clearly didn't tell him no one's be perfect. At least I think he was raised but for now, I might as well pull out an item from my sach till they come or something.

Entertaining myself, I continue to until nighttime. I soon hear movement, sounds and voices. I'm prepared if I have to face Nightninja or any of his Ninjalinos. I put the item I had back into my sachet and place the book back on the shelf.

The door opens after I place the book back in its place. It was the Ninjalinos.

This is the effect of your choices.(Warning: There will be 16 outcomes of the two choices that impact the story/reaction. Once you find yours, just scroll down until you see a row of stars.) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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