Love is love

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Man... Nightninja is - OH MY GOD!!!! An explosion occurred.

This choice effects where you are
A3. Hide
B3. Fight
C3. Grab yo flashlight
D3. Scream
E3. Book it

A3 Response
As your reaction to that, you hide behind Nightninja. He glares at whoever that intruded and protects you.

B3 Response
You get ready to fight by getting in fighting in a fighting stance. He does the same and you both glare at whoever that intruded.

C3 Response
You take out your flashlight and prepared to use it. You'll either flash 'em, or smack 'em; but eitherway, you were gonna use it for defense. Nightninja is impressed by your resourcefulness and gets into a finding stance, glaring at whoever that intruded.

D3 Response
You scream in terror and jumps into Nightninja's arm, hold onto him tightly. You both blush, but he holds onto you and was ready to fight to protect you.

E3 Response
You book it to around the corner where the Ninjalinos were. Nightninja follows and tell the Ninjalinos what happened. You all come out from around the corner. They were ready to fight for you and protect their master and his lady. (NO REGRETS!)


The smoke clears and it reveals that the intruders are.... My friends?!?!? Technically it was the Pj masks but still! For real?!? "The Pj masks?!? What the?!? How did you find us?!?" After he said something, Owlette steps forward boldly and points at him.

"It doesn't matter Nightninja! Unhand the girl or else!"

"What??!? No! She's-"

"Been kidnap by you and your Ninjalinos!" The boy beside me scratches the back of his head nervously; looks down, looks at me and looks back at the superhero group before him.

"Well.. Yeah... B-But it was so she doesn't reveal anything!! And she could of been an powerful asset to us!!" I wasn't mad, he already told me twice, so yeah. Though, I could have been a very powerful asset.

"Well not anymore! Hand her over!"

"B-But!! I-I... W-We... N-No..."

"Then you give us no choice! Pj masks -" Before this could escalated more, I step forward and yell out.

"Guys! Calm down I'm fine! I'm safe! Relax! I know you guys are worried about me but don't worry! He didn't harm me!" Well, not directly but they don't need to know about that.



"Are you sure F/N?"

"Wait... You guys know F/N?!? F/N, know the Pj masks?!?" We all look away from the ninja & his minions then look back.

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