Part 7

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"Edward? I know you're there! Come out now!" I yelled through his window.
I heard someone marching towards the window I shouted from. I looked up to see Edward standing there with a smile on his face. "Ella! I'm so glad to see you! Come in!" He shouted joyfully through the opened window.

I didn't smile back, instead I had a serious expression on my face that literally burned holes in Ed's head.
I looked down at his front door and marched agressivelly towards it.

I smashed the door open of his house and marched inside it. "Edward! I have a serious conversation with you!" I yelled.
I heard him running downstairs towards where I was. "Yes Ella? What happened? Is Sweeney gone? Is he still there?" He said smiling. Well he's in a good mood...

"Infact...yes..." I looked down remembering him... "he's gone...b-but that's not why I
came here" I said while looking back up.

"Mhh?" He hummed at me while putting his hands in his pockets.

"Yesterday... you were meant to call the police... they never came..." I said strictly and confused.

He seemed deep in thought. "Oh... well I did call them, I suppose they forgot..." he said while smiling innocently.

I nodded then turned around to leave, "well that's not very good service, I'm going to write a complain..." suddenly I felt someone grab my arm and pull me back, "wait!" Edward exclaimed while I turned around to be greeted by Edward holding my wrist.
"How stupid of me!" He chuckled, "I forgot to call the police - that's what I wanted to say!" He said while removing his hand from mine and placing it on his forehead, "I know that I'm a bad lawyer and a friend for forgetting but when I came back, your son Victor called, saying that he's coming to visit you! I'm so sorry!" He said.

"Victor is coming!?" I said, making him look up.
"Yes, and he has a girlfriend. They're both coming!" He said smiling.

"A-alright... thanks" I said akwardly while leaving Edward's house.


Walking down the streets to Anna's house to pick up Lucy, I couldn't stop thinking what was wrong with Edward. Why is he acting so strange? Did something happen?

I looked up at Anna's house, and then knocked on her door, then waited patiently.
After about a minute, the door of her house was still closed.
"Anna?" I shouted while knocking on her door again, "it's me, Ella"
There was still no answer.

I sighed and then lost my patience. I triggered the handle and slowly opened the wooden door. Why isn't Anna's door locked?

I peaked inside. "Anna?" I repeated. Still no answer.
Well, she isn't home, and I certainly don't want to go back home to be greeted by Mrs. Lovett who clearly doesn't like me for some reason, so I decided to wait in Anna's house for Anna herself to come back.

I fully opened the door and stepped inside. Anna is my friend and I'm sure she wouldn't mind.

I was greeted by Anna's living room. It was comfy and tidy. I walked more in and noticed two teacups placed on the table with cold tea in it. I suppose she had a guest...

I continued to walk in and noticed... blood... on the wallpaper...

"Anna?" I said calmly yet my heart was racing.

My eyes quickly got caught on her bedroom door open down in the corridor.


I walked slowly towards the open door.

My heart was racing.
My thoughts were lost on the open door.
What happened to Anna.
And where is she?

My hand slowly pushed the slightly open door, and my eyes got caught on the figure in the middle of the room, facing the back to me while sitting on a wooden stool. It was Anna.

"Anna?" I whispered. But her body didn't even show a sign.

I cautiously walked towards her sitting figure. Suddenly I noticed Lucy in her arms. I didn't see both of their faces yet.

Out of nowhere. Something. Got. My. Attention.
Lucy wasn't the only thing in Anna's arms.
There was blood. And... a silver razor.

I walked further. In front of Anna.
Lucy's. Anna's. Necks.


I screamed. My child and my friend has been killed.

The plot was put together to look like a suicide, but two details were out of this world.

The razor and the neck slit. Only one person does that.

The razor itself. It's recognisable. The design on the razor. The same as his. The straight razor.

It was Sweeney Todd.


"You are my Lucy..... Lucy Barker..... my Lucy Todd..... I would never kill you.... I never said I'll kill you...." he inhaled my scent from my neck once again, "I said that I'll kill that pest that claims to be our child and stole your beautiful name...."

His heavy whispering voice rang in my ears.

I was on my knees in front of Anna and Lucy, crying hysterically.

"Why! Why'd you do it!" I screamed to him, knowing that he heard me. "Show yourself!!" I screamed in agony.
I carried on crying while receiving no answer or even a sign.

I honestly started to even doubt myself. Was it he, Sweeney Todd, who really did it?

But he's the only one with the razors who does it. It must be him.

But Sweeney Todd is a ghost. He can't leave Fleet Street.

And his spirit left. Unless he faked it...

But if Sweeney Todd is a ghost... I picked up the razor from Anna's hand...  Why is the razor real?

If Sweeney was alive once... his razors would have existed too... and I'm sure that they wouldn't be given away randomly... why would Anna then even buy the razor?

But stuff from crime scenes are always put away in the police department.

Wait... Tobias Ragg... he killed Sweeney... but exactly how?

So many things are out of place...
Too many things...
Something doesn't add up...
Something is wrong...

I need to find Tobias Ragg...
And I need to somehow speak to Sweeney Todd...

Please keep Haunting Me | Sweeney Todd - after deathWhere stories live. Discover now