Part 13

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We were silent. Sitting confused and looking at each other.

"This doesn't make sense..." I whispered.

Johnny looked down and bit his tongue. Then he spoke, "....we resemble two ghosts of this house..."

"We were both sent here by Edward too..." I whispered.

He looked up, "what?"

"Edward is my lawyer. He suggested me to move into this house... then started going all like 'are you sure you want to move in?' As soon as I told him that I wouldn't mind moving in."

He looked down again and so did I.

"Why exactly did I get arrested?" He asked.

I looked up at him.

"Well... this Sweeney Todd was a barber... but not an ordinary one..."

Johnny rose his brow, trying to process my words.

"He... instead of shaving people's faces, he murdered them..."

"But why arrest me when everyone knows he's dead?" Johnny complained.

"Well... Sweeney had these silver razors.... one of a type... And..." tears began to elope my eyes.


I looked at Johnny, "my baby daughter and her baby sitter were found dead... with slit necks.... of the same razor."

Johnny's face relaxed. He was still. He didn't move.

"...silver razor?" John whispered.

"Yes" I sobbed quietly.

Johnny looked down. His expression confused.

"With handles chased silver?" He muttered.

I remained frozen. I didn't speak a word.

"And it's a straight razor. And very reflective." He whispered.

I was almost horrified. How does he know?

"Yes..." I whispered.

Johnny remained silent.

"Where did you see it Johnny?" I whispered as I leaned towards him.

He looked up at me.

"After I got arrested... after you left... Edward called me to his office.... policemen brought me in... then left.... it was only us two..."

Johnny's flashback.

When I walked into the office, I felt warm. It was cozy.

"Come here" said the man who I saw before but without the woman this once.

He was sitting at the desk looking at me with a welcoming smile.

I slowly made my way towards him.

"Sit down" he gestured to a chair.

I did as told and didn't take my eyes off the man.

"First thing's first - I am Edward Ragg, nice to meet you." He took out his hand.

I hesitantly shook his hand, "Johnny Depp" I introduced myself.

The man let go of my hand and grinned, "yeah, I know."

"So why am I here?" I asked.

"Well, because I have made an unfortunate mistake Mr. Depp"


"Yes.... I'm afraid that we got the wrong person arrested. You are innocent." His face was sad.

Please keep Haunting Me | Sweeney Todd - after deathWhere stories live. Discover now