Toby vs. Mrs. Lovett

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Toby's point of view

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Toby's point of view.

I slowly walked down the stairs that haunted me every night....

"Feel bad for you going up and down all these stairs..." my own words haunted me.

The dark soon covered me and the aching smell of rotting flesh filled my nostrils.

"Well... that'll be your job now." Her voice whispered.

"Yes ma'am"

Suddenly, the squeaky sound of metal gasped through the burning air.

The door of my nightmares was opened.

I felt like reliving the horrid night.

I slowly walked inside....

The horrible stench was still there.

My insides twisted as the memories of the dead bodies and bones screamed open my brain.

Once I stepped the step closer... the fire of the ghastly furnace lit up.

I stood still... not moving.

I looked around the place for any sight of life... but I guess I was the only one...

I walked towards the grinder. Reluctantly.

The metal was stained with rotting blood that has lived there for 50 years...

I walked to the left of it and hesitantly touched the handle.

Suddenly I felt watched...

I lifted my head up and starred into space.

"I know you can see me..." my voice echoed through the bakehouse.


There was no reply...

Only a few water leaks could be heard....

"Toby..." her voice send the chills down my spine.

I closed my eyes.

"....y-you're back" she whispered with disbelief and admiration.

I turned to face the right and that's when I saw her...

The beautiful lady who traumatized me.

She was sadly smiling at me...

Her eyes full of burning tears...

Her auburn hair twisting to her shoulders...

Her dress glittering off the fire that shined across the room....

"No..." I said strictly.

"Please... Toby... I would never hurt you...." her voice was teary.

"But you already have..." I whispered, "you locked me down here.... so Mr. Todd could kill me..."


"No!" I interrupted, "Don't you dare lie to me! I saw what he did to the beadle! And the others!..."

I was breathing heavily... my heart rate was screaming for help.

"...even you." I whispered in agony.

I was silent. Trying to catch back my breath.

"...Toby" She whispered, "No more lies.... you'll never hear a lie from me ever again.... look where it got me..."

"I am looking ma'am." I whispered.


"Why'd you really come here Toby?"

I remained silent.

Thoughts ran through my mind.

"So you'd free me..." I whispered.

She smiled sadly. She was fighting back a sob. But her tears still managed to escape.

She took her arms out and gestured for me to come.

I rushed over to her and hugged her as tight as I could.

She was so warm.

She hugged me back instantly back and release a painful sob.

"But you know the only way to that is..." she whispered.

"....death.... I know ma'am.... I want to be burn alive.... with you.... I've got no purpose in here.... in this world.... do one thing for me..." I whispered as tears also burned down my cheeks, "make sure nobody harms me.... while you're around...."

I remember how she tensed. I felt how tears dripped on my head.

She walked with me to the furnace and opened the metallic door...

She took my hands and walked backwards to the furnace... with me going after her.

The burning sensation will always hurt me forever.

My screams hurt me more than my heart.

She hugged me as I cried.

She cried with me.

Until the only thing I saw was white....

Please keep Haunting Me | Sweeney Todd - after deathWhere stories live. Discover now