Part 4

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His kiss was eager. Wild. Desperate. Like he hasn't kissed somebody in centuries and now was his chance. I was lost in his world for a few seconds. I kissed him as if he was Nathan. But more. Like I should've kissed Nathan. Just as hungrily as he did.

His hands remained on my cheek, and my hands were behind his neck, pulling him closer. Deepening the kiss. But nothing lasts forever - as I've mentioned - it was only for a few seconds. 45 seconds perhaps.

I knew that I needed to play along as his wife - Lucy, but I also had a suspicion that he was just trying to get my mind off Edward. I broke the kiss. I smiled widely - I wasn't sure why.

He smiled back, looking lovingly into my hazel eyes, "Everything alright, pet?"

I looked into his smiling lips - that trembled for more. "Yes. E-Everything is just perfect. Just...." I trailed off with a frown.

"Just?..." he repeated while taking my chin and bringing my head back up to face him.

"Just.... um... how about we meet my friend, and then we come back here to... c-continue" I looked at him with a worried smile.

He starred blankly at me for at least 5 seconds. Then he put a distrustful smirk and repeated, "continue?" He almost unnoticeably shook his head than leaned in closer to my face. "Why not now? Why do you care about this friend so much?"

He looked deeply into my frightened eyes, then quickly backed away. "You're not cheating on me, are you?" he muttered quite aggressively.

Before I could even answer, he stood up and marched towards the wooden door leading to the stairs to go downstairs, while taking out his silver razor.

I knew exactly what this mad-man will do. I quickly stood up from the leather chair with a pounding quickly heart, and rushed towards the wooden stairs.

"WAIT!" I yelled, but his dark figure wouldn't budge to my command.

He was already down to the door leading inside, and no - he didn't even hesitate to storm inside.

"MR. T!" the feminine voice yelled, but I suppose even she couldn't stop him.

I quickly rushed to the door and saw all three of them.

Him. Her. Edward. all in one room, and he was approaching Edward dangerously.

He pushed Edward into a wall forcefully. "Wait! Please!" I ran to him and grabbed his arm, preventing him from punching Edward.

"Ella, what's happening!?" Edward shrieked.

"So you're the one who made my wife think she's somebody else!" He shouted at Edward, while marching to him - who was lying on the cold floor.

I was pulling him back away from Edward but it was hopeless, he was stronger than me.

"No wait! - H-He's my brother!" I lied to anything to make sure he turned around away from Edward. And it worked. He froze in one spot, then slowly turned around to face me with a confused, yet very serious face.

"You never told me you had a brother" he hissed - insulted.

"You never asked me" I came with an excuse.

He turned back to the very confused Edward, "Why is he calling you 'Ella'?" he muttered.

There was silence. I couldn't think of an answer. I opened my mouth to answer but shut up again, not knowing what to say.

"It's her nickname" Edward calmly replied for me to him.

He narrowed his eyes at Edward then turned around to me. He purred, "well I suppose that solves the problem"

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