Part 12

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The car stopped.

It's nose was pointed towards the house that once was mine.

I came here to speak to Mrs. Lovett for more information but when I walked into the house a terrible surprise was waiting for me...

Stuff that most certainly weren't there were there now.

The place was tidied and dusted.

In confusion I checked the all the cupboards which I knew would be empty....but instead... they were filled with groceries and a lot of wine.

Someone is already living here.
I just broke into someone's house.

With someone living here wasn't good for my plan to talk to Mrs. Lovett.

I turned around and decided to leave.

I opened the door and looked at Toby with a frown.

"Ms Cincere?" A familiar voice called behind me.... but his voice never called me that.... his voice called me Lucy.... eventhough I wasn't her.

"Sweeney?" I turned around to face him with a smile but frowned....

My eyes didn't see Sweeney... instead they saw a man.... a man that was meant to be imprisoned since the last time I saw him...

John Depp.

"What are you doing in my house?" We both said in unison.

I actually got surprised when he slightly blushed and looked down as he scratched the back of his neck.

"I...umm...I...I live here.... I moved in not that long ago.... Mr. Edward Ragg let me out of jail because apparently he has mistaken, and as a sorry... he... let me live here.... For free..." he said as he continued to avoid eye contact.

"As in Edward Ragg.... You mean... My lawyer Edward?" I asked slightly confused.

Why would Edward do such thing?
What does he mean by 'mistaken'?
Why do I only realise that now that Edward's surname is the same as Toby's?

"Yes... umm... so... what are you doing here Ms. Cincere?" He finally looked at me.

"Me? Umm..."

I don't think it would be suitable to tell him that I'm here to talk to some ghost...

" can come in if you want - at the living room - i-in the living room - I mean... You can come in... instead o-of standing at the doorway... M-Ms Cincere..."

I smiled, "yeah, sure... Mr. Depp..."

He just returned the smile, "Just call me Johnny."

He smiled once more before he made his way to the living room with me behind him.

"In this case, call me Ella."


We sat down in the living room. He sat opposite me. And his eyes were fixed on me all the time.

"So umm... Johnny? ... did you see anything odd... at this house?" I asked him to make sure if it was okay to talk to him about ghosts.... to make sure he wasn't like Edward who called me crazy...

His reaction made me curious.

He grew incredibly silent. He once again avoided eye contact. He just leaned over to the table not so far off and grabbed some glasses. He put them on. He looked at me again for a second then down again. He released a very deep sigh and brushed a hand through his hair...

 He released a very deep sigh and brushed a hand through his hair

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"Umm... N-No" he looked back up at me.

I rose a brow, "are you sure? Are you sure you didn't see some brownhaired woman runing around the place like mad?"

His eyes widened slightly, "how do you know?" He whispered.

"I lived here. I know. ..." I paused and looked down, "...there was this other man too before... he looked just like you... but paler... with darker eyes... darker hair..."

I looked up at him and he was emotionless. His eyes just darted around my face as if scanning my features, "he's actually the reason why you got in jail in the first place..."

He looked down.

"Where is this man now?" Johnny asked.

I shrugged, "I freed him I guess... Mrs. Lovett would be freed too but she needs Sweeney - that man - to love her."

As soon as I mentioned Sweeney's name, Johnny's eyes looked up at me.

"Did you just say Sweeney?" His tone was serious.


There was silence.

"Is everything alright Johnny?" I asked.

He looked down.

"The woman... Nellie Lovett... she...she calls me Sweeney Todd..." he whispered.

It was my turn to remain silent.

"The man Sweeney Todd calls me Lucy Barker... his... his 'Lucy Todd'."

He looked up at me again. His face was serious.

"Your face... just yellow hair..." he whispered.

"Your face... just black hair..." I repeated.

Sorry for the short chapter! I just have a lot of books to write!

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