Part 8

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I sat there silently, while drinking coffee and a cold towel placed over my shoulders.
My hands shivered while holding the mug.
My daughter is dead.
My daughter is killed.
That is the biggest trauma I've ever experienced.
Any mother would if it happened to them.
She was innocent.
She was just a baby.

"What did you see ma'am?" The female police officer questioned me.
I was deep in thought.
What did I see? I saw ghosts at my house trying to either murder me or my child. I saw ghosts that kissed me. I saw damn ghosts that touched me sexualy. I saw ghosts that haunt my nightmares. But what will you do huh? Send me to a damn asylum!?
Flashes of Sweeney's face took away my ability to speak out. Him kissing my neck pationately. Him clenching his hands in mine on cold white bed sheets. Him looking at me with his dark magnetic eyes that kept drawing me in to him.

I gulped down the hard lump in my throat and I trembled out words.
"I've seen stuffnobody- stuff n-nobody should e-eversee -ever see..." I blabbed out without noticing.

The officer looked confused at me, "pardon?"

I exhaled slowly.
"Nothing officer... I just came because I needed to pick up my... d-daughter..." I paused. Tears filling my eyes. Knowing that my Lucy will never have children. Get old. Get married. Have her first kiss. Have people to love her. She would never say her first word. Tears my heart. Makes me feel suicidal. Why her? Why not me?

I inhaled after the long pause. "I found out her door was not locked... there were two teacups on the table with unfinished tea... blood on wallpaper... and then her bedroom door open.... with her in the middle... holding my....Angel..... and a raz-" I shushed myself, leaving the part with the razor out. Especially when I stole the razor from Anna's hand before I called the police.

The officer looked up at me confused."That's it?"

I nodded, not making eye contact.

She knelt down in front of me and looked into my eyes, "I'm very sorry for your loss Ms. Cincere." She hugged me. I sighed, giving in to the hug. She quickly pulled away from me and looked straight in my eyes, "I would suggest you to  speak to your lawyer for advice."

I nodded, still not making eye contact.

She sighed and then stood up to walk away.


I stood uncomfortably next to Edward's door, waiting for him to open it.

Suddenly, the door shut open to reveal a very enthusiastic looking Edward.
"L- Ella!" He exclaimed.
"Luella? Who's that?" I asked him confused.
(Say L-Ella out loud and you'll understand what I meant)
He shook his head violently, "sorry" he whispered, "anyways - come in!" He said while moving to the side, giving me space to come in.

I shuffled inside while he closed the door behind me.
"I'm so sorry Ella" he repeated.
"It's alright, you just got mixed up with the name" I said smiling sadly.
"No, no, no - not about that!" He continued, "I'm talking about Lucy... your daughter?"

I froze. "How do you know that she?-"
"Ella, I'm your lawyer, I know everything about you" he said while walking past me to his kitchen, "but actually - it was the police who called me to inform me" he said while looking through the cuboards.

"The police called you? But... the event happened less than 20 minutes ago..." I went on confused.

He froze, "well yeah, they called me like 10 or 15 minutes ago.... where's your point?" He said while taking something from the cuboard.

"Nothing..." I sighed helplessly while looking down.

He turned around with two cups, "tea?" He whispered.
I shook my head, "no thanks, I had coffee before..."

He nodded sadly while removing one cup. I walked towards him. "So.... Sweeney Todd" He continued, "you said he left.... what do you mean about that?"

I sighed, "it is what I said... I was right... he is... a ghost...."
Edward looked up at me and exhaled sharply.
"He's gone now forever. He's free" I looked down.

Edward clenched his fists, "Ella... I want you to move out of that house.... it's driving you insane." He hissed without making eye contact with me.

I looked confused at him, "what?"

He turned around with the cup in his hand, "Ella, I mean it! You're talking nonsense! You're imagining things!-"

"-Ed! You saw them! It's not my imagination! You saw them too!"

"No Ella! I saw impersonators!"
"What makes you think that!?"
He looked down at the cup and then back at me. "Today... like ten minutes ago... the police caught somebody...." he paused, "Just when I started believing in your theory more, the call came telling me that they caught a man.... that man looks way too much like Sweeney Todd.... he's the impersonator...."

"Have you even seen the man!?" I yelled hurt.
He sight, "yes, I have. I went to the police department and came back two minutes before you came... it is him"
I breathed heavily. Was this possible? I froze.
"May I see him?" I whispered.
He nodded.


Edward's car stopped right in front of the police department.
"Hmm?" I hummed.
"Promise me that after this.... you'll move out of that house" Edward spoke softly.

I nodded. He released a sigh and then got out of the car with me following him.

He lead me inside the police department.

"Okay... now stay calm" Edward whispered.  "Bring him in!" He yelled all of a sudden.

My eyes were fixed to the floor as they brought in a very resistant man.

"I promise you! - I didn't do anything! - let me go!" The man cried.

His voice. His voice. His voice.

It was him.

My heart stopped. How is this possible?
He was now standing right in front of me behind the bars. If not the bars, I would've strangled him there and now.
My eyes slowly shuffled to his face. I was both, breathless and speechless.
All I saw was this. All I saw was him.

He was the one who stared at me as if I was an alien. And I was the one who was looking at him with my eyebrows furrowed and my mouth slightly open. "You...." I whispered. He shivered when I spoke.

 He shivered when I spoke

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