Part 10

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Guys, I will be writing two stories at a time 😓 I might not update this enough  (you still don't seem to be enjoying this story either so I guess it's okay) and I'm kinda on writer's block. Sorry! ((P.s. I'm getting the Sweeney Todd behind the scenes / art book I've been craving for - in less than 4 days!))

I just sat there. Over thinking of what just happened. This can't be an impersonator. Unless it was a very mental impersonator. She just jumped into the furnace. While it was on. But.... then what's with the flames? Where did they come from? How did they dissappear? Nothing. NOTHING made sense.


I was awoken by loud bangs on the door. I quickly rose up from my warm isolating bed and looked around confused.

"Mrs. Cincere?" Edward's voice called from below.

"Coming!" I exclaimed while jumping out of my bed and getting changed.

"Did you pack your bags!?" Edward's voice continued.

"Yes!" I said while looking over the bags full of my stuff.

"Very well! But do mind hurrying up! Your son is here!"

I froze, "you mean Victor is here!?"

"Yes!! Hurry up Miss!" Edward seemed like he was annoyed.

After I got dressed, I buldged like a bullet downstairs with bags in my hands.

(This took so long to update that it's been literally almost a month since I got the Sweeney Todd behind the scenes book 😂😂- sorry! (I recommend it btw))

My eyes got glued to my loving son Victor. He was standing there proudly and smiling as his eyes connected to mine.

A smile was plastered on my face, "Victor!" I shouted as I ran to the locked door.
I opened the door rushly and didn't hesitate to hug my boy tightly.

"I missed you" I muttered as a tear rolled down my face.

This is my child. Breathing and living.

"I missed you too mother" he whispered in my ear cheerfully.

I slowly opened my eyes and slightly jumped when I saw a girl with the hair of yellow behind Victor looking at us with a smile.
But her eyes....
Those dark brown orbs...


Victor released himself from my hold and turned around to where I was looking, "oh - mother - this is Emilia... she's my... fiance" he smiled.
I smiled at the girl.

"Hello, nice to meet you Emilia" I said with a slight nod.
She smiled, "it's nice to meet you too Ms. Cincere."

Victor turned around facing me with a smile, "Mother, may she see Lucy?"

My blood froze. The time was frozen.
Flashes of my friend holding her lifeless body in her lifeless arms pained me.
I didn't dare to answer.
I made a deep frown.
I couldn't look up so I looked down.

Edward noticed my silence and spoke up, "Sir... there's something we'll need to discuss..."

Victor and Emilia turned around confused, "Mother?.... where's.... where's Lucy?"

I remember I started with "Victor..." but I couldn't finish the sentence because a voice rang right beside my ear. A voice too familiar... Sweeney's voice...

It's a trap.....
It was not me."

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